`▐┊the нierarchy 〉song bomi — the cold crown : royals

username : haibeeaur | activity : 9 | english : bigbang | nickname : haileeyyyy
FULL NAME — song bomi
AGE — 17
YEAR — senior
BIRTHDATE — may 24 1996
HOMETOWN — incheon, south korea
ETHNICITY — korean
LANGUAGES — korean; fluent // english; fluent (learned from her grandmother who lived in the states for twenty years)
FACE — yura 
GALLERY — #yoloswag
BACKUP FACE — #hipster
GALLERY — mmmm/k
EXTRAS — bomi may not seem like the type of person to have a tattoo but whaddayaknow? she has two! (influenced by her cousin) her first tattoo she got right after she turned seventeen. it's a crown tattoo, symbolising not her status in school but herself as the queen of her own life - on her lower back. her second is the word 'spring' on the side of her pinky finger, the direct translation of her name in english. she doesn't have a piercing, yet. (again, influences by her cousin) she's still debating whether she's going to get one before or after graduation.
HEIGHT — 165cm
WEIGHT — 48kg
STYLE — 'dress to impress' is her motto when it comes to fashion. bomi's style is somewhat chic yet sophisticated (or it just depends on her mood and her laziness). she tends to stay away from wearing light, pastel colors and prefers bold and bright ones. you would often see her in shorts, skirts or dresses, taking pride in her flawles legs - her wardrobe is filled with skirts and dresses. she seems to like tucking in her shirts under her jeans or skirts // bomi sometimes wears something elegant (office theme kind of thing) to show off her status as queen in the school. it makes her look somewhat 'professional'. //  when feeling lazy, bomi would just throw on a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top or a blouse and a blazer or a checkered shirt over it. bomi loves when it's winter since she's able to wear her favorite coats. she has an obssession with them along with boots.
♚ // ♚ // ♚ // ♚ // ♚ // ♚ // ♚ // ♚ // ♚ 
stiff, cold, unwelcoming, reserved, judgemental, authoritative, introvert, violent, sadistic
'silent but deadly' could be the most accurate description that you could ever give bomi; she's not the type of person to mess with. bomi is the type of person who earn enemies by simply breathing air. her intense gaze emits an intimidating aura. she doesn't look at people the second time who hold no importance in her life. because of this people tend to back away from her or just get out of her way. bomi likes it this way as it saves her from telling them to 'move out of way'. she's also a prideful and stubborn person. she has this absurd belief that she's always right and that no matter how much money you bribe her with, she will never admit her mistakes. her pride is up through the roof and won't put it down just for anyone. she tried once but she just ended up getting humiliated and dissed so there's no way in lucifer's pants that it will happen again. most of the time she fails to see/realize her mistakes until the consequences are knocking on her door. she doesn't mind though as she sees these consequences as challenges and even as games. she tries to either face them head on - challenge accepted - or simply avoid them.
bomi's acting the way she is to prevent others to come close to her. her unwelcoming personality acts as a barrier to everyon arond her. she's afraid of getting close to someone and suddenly leaves her hanging. due to a personal experience, bomi found it hard to trust anyone so easily. she never considered anyone a potential friend after developing these trust issues of hers. bomi only sees them as acquantances now, nothing more. it's no surprise that bomi is a reserved person. she doesn't like sharing any personal information with anyone even to sehun. she's not a fan of heart to heart talks and she might never will. the revelation about her father made her have these major trust issues. she feels that there's no one she could ever trust. 'we're all liars anyway' is the motto in her head when it comes to trusting someone. but bomi does tend to be blunt and honest. yes, she's reserved but only when it comes to personal things. she's blunt and honest in the way that let's say you're beginning to get on her nerves, she won't beat around the bush and tell you that you are indeed getting on her fcking nerves. 
bomi is also one sadistic chick. she doesn't know why but other people's misery brings her amusement. she doesn't let anyone see through her act though and would act as if she had no part of it. this doesn't necessarily mean that she brings whips to school or physically hurt someone. bomi has her own way of sadism - it's subtle. she also knows the power she holds in the school and has made her even more controlling and commanding to those below her. her title could've been 'the dictator' if it wasn't for the queen tittle. she tends to belittle those around her who are not part of her clique. bomi grew to realize that one's status is a very important aspect of school life. she rarely thinks of others now, and can be very ignorant. she fails at understanding others as she never puts herself in their shoes. call her insensitive and bomi won't hesitate to agree with you.
but of course despite her sadistic and unwelcoming personality, if you dig really really reeeaaallyy deep, bomi is actually generous and giving. it's just a natter of expressing herself. she doesn't know how to make friends and fears of making one. she'll criticize herself for any mistakes she does, preventing her from being carefree and nice.
bomi was born in incheon, korea to a well-known surgeon and to a very respectable lawyer. her parents were the happiest couple in the world when she was brought to the world... however their happiness was short lived. her mother was diagnosed with cancer when bomi was only a year old and died when she was two. distraught and not knowing what to do, bomi's father decided to leave bomi in incheon with her grandparents (mother's side - they actually volunteered to take her) while he went to the country's capital, seoul to pursue his career and take his minds off his wife's death. there's the factor that everytime he looks at baby bomi, it reminded him so much of his wife. he wasn't in his best state and clearly acted on impulse. so he left bomi in the in incheon while he continued his profession in seoul. 
bomi grew up not knowing her real parents, only her grandparents. she lived a normal happy teenager life, that was until she got a visit from her father when she was around thirteen years old. it was a day she will never forget, a day that changed everything in her life. it was no surprise that she didn't recognize her own father. but how could she when he was absent for the majority of her childhood? what was surprising was that he told her that he was there to take her to korea with him, to live with him and her 'new family'. bomi knew about the story about her dead mother and about her father abonding her, but she didn't know that he got married and had a family of his own. she forgot all about it until he showed up again and somehow, she felt angry. all those years... she could've been with him, taken care of. but where was he? having the time of his life with people bomi didn't knew about. there and then she decided that she didn't care, didn't want to care about him and his 'new family'.  it was the point in her life that she began building barriers around herself, not letting anyone in her life so casually. her family was her grandparents and she even argued that she was fine with her them. but her grandparents too told her to go with her father, thinking it would be the best for her to be with her real father. it was the turning point of her life; bomi never felt so alone in her life.
bomi complied and wenr to seoul with her 'father' but in one condition: she was to live away from him and his new family. bomi refused to live with a stranger she hasn't met before in her lifetime, let alone people who're aren't any way related to her by blood. bomi simply doesn't trust him, or herself for that matter. her father understood and made an arrangement: she was to live with her mother's sister who happened to live in seoul and this was when she found out that she has a cousin who was an around her age. to be honest, she felt more comfortable with her aunt and cousin  even though she'd never seen them before. it seemed that bomi prefers any relative on her mother's side than her father's; unknown to her she began holding grudges against her own father. because of this she'd never met her new step mother and half siblings - she always refused their invitation for a family dinner. bomi didn't want to feel like an outsider even though her father said that her step-mother understood their situation and would even love to make her a part of their family. she heard that her half-siblings were eager to meet bomi... and maybe bomi was acting irrational but she didn't care. she wanted her grandparents, her mother. 
it was also around this time that bomi met her first friend in seoul. he lived in the appartment across from her. they'd both seen each other coming out of their appartment before but they never exchanged greetings, but one night changed all of that. it was a night when bomi was in those type of mood swings. she was crying in the rooftop of the appartment when he came. without saying a word he handed her his handkerchief. they were silent after a while and it was him who broke the silence. 'stop crying like a loser and grow up. it won't get you anywhere,' he said. bomi 'tch-ed' and rolled her eyes. it was after that that he finally introduced himself as oh sehun and it was the start of their beautiful friendship.
they became friends after that and even found out when they were going to attend the same school. bomi and sehun stuck together and they're usually together that people misunderstand them as a couple. but in reality she sees him as her older/younger brother that she wants to protect. she wants to be someone he can rely on ever, since finding out about his insecurities when it came to his 'buddies'.  so she mainly follows him and obeys his request to show that she's not just a buddy acquaintance.
mother : song byul : deceased - died at 27 : ex-lawyer : n/a : old-fashioned, uptight, honest, fearless
father : song joon : 43 : doctor : 1 : calm, reserved, intuitive, open-minded
half sister/brother : the intelligent iris : tba : student : 1 : tba
half sister/brother : the perky prankster : tba : student : 1 : tba
cousin : the athlete : tba : student : 4 : tba
childhood friend : oh sehun : tba : student : 4 : tba
cousin : the athlete : tba : : student : 3 : tba
the king's advisor : tba : tba : student : 3 : tba
WINTER // she likes them snow + the cold weather
WHITE ROSES // it's her favorite flower
BOBA TEA // she began to like it after sehun made her drink some
DARK CHOCOLATE // it's the only chocolate she can tolerate
EYELINER // she doesn't leave her house without putting it on
GOOD BONE STRUCTURE // collarbones, cheekbones, jawlines. it's a weird of hers
— STRARBUCKS // frapfrapfrapfrap
— CANDIES // she's a sweet tooth
— SECRETS // she loves the fact that she know things that other people don't.
FAIRYTALES // she doesn't believe in them and never will
AEGYO // she will cut your chest open and pour banana slurpee into your lungs until your blood vessels swell up and turn yellow.
TEA // it tastes like sock soup
DARK COFFEE // it's too bitter for her taste
SCREAMO MUSIC // it feels like her ears are being drilled
TARDINESS // she won't wait for anyone
— SLOWNESS // she hates people who walk too slow or think too slow
— READING // she has a thing against fiction
PLAYING THE PIANO/VIOLIN // to relieve her from stress
SILENTLY OBSERVING // especially the people around her
— 'TCH' // says it before dismissing someone
TAPPING HER FINGERS // clear sign of anxiety or impatience
FIXING HER HAIR // fixes them atleast every minute
CLOWNS // she watched 'It' when she was only six and ever since she can't stand clowns
PEOPLE GETTING TOO CLOSE // she has major trust issues 
— fear
— she hates aegyo and skinship
CURSING // she doesn't normally do it but tends to when mking a point
TOUCH ME // she hates it when people touch or play with her belongings
BOYFRIEND // she'd never have one before
COLD // her hands are somewhat always cold
HORROR MOVIES // love & hate relationship
ACADEMICS // she excels in maths & science while she at history and pe.
WOOF // she's allergic to dogs
BEANIES & RINGS // she has a collection of them in her closet
VROOM // she has a car but she can't drive yet
ALCOHOL // she can hold her alcohol well and rarely gets drunk
HATE ME NOT // she hates losing
FISH // she doesn't eat fish but somehow ca eat sushi
TICKLE ME ELMO // her only tickles are on her knees
HAPKIDO // she went to hapkido classes at the age of six when one of her classmate was almost kidnapped. she just recently got her red belt.
FRIENDS // she remembers some of her friends in incheon but have nocontact with them whatsoever
— COOKING // she can't cook to save her life
CLIQUE — the royals
CODE NAME — the queen
PLOT LINE — the cold crown
WHY THEY HATE THE DIVISION — at first bomi didn't care about the divison. but as time passed, she noticed that she's beginning to grow distant with sehun and she's afraid that when he completely drifts away from her, she'd have no one left on her side as she doesn't consider anyone in their clique as her 'friend friend'.
MADE ALLIANCES WITH — lee jieun  // wallflowers || kris wu // rebels
RIVAL / LOVE RIVAL — kikwang
BIRTHDATE — march 30 1995 
AGE — 18
YEAR — junior
PERSONALITY — being one of the school's ace dancers made kikwang an arrogant douche. his self-confidence is as high as the empire state building and you'll often see him staring at his own reflection. he's a vey vocal person who voices out every little opinion of his and he can't seem to stop talking. and of course all he talks about is himself. kikwang has little interest in others or to the things that doesn't concern him. he's basically the male counterpart of bomi  (except for his vain-ness and conceitedness) and maybe that's why the two often clash: they're too alike to get along with each other.
INTERATIONS — whenever kikwang would spot bomi, he'd usually sling his arms around her shoulder and annoy her. he'd ask questions such as her favorite color, what she ate for breakfast and so on just to get on her nerves. and since bomi is quite a violent person (she doesn't regret learning hapkido), she'd grab his arm and twist it, telling him to 'go fck with someone else.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — they were in the same class in their freshman year + he was a 'friend' of sehun's. 
REASON — bomi sees kikwang as an eye sore and kikwang sees bomi as the annoyingly hard-to-get chick. plus kikwang and jongin are rivals when it comes to dancing.
BACKUP — i'm hunGRy.
LOVE INTEREST — kim jongin // kai
HER NICKNAME — babe // baby // my bobo - first syllable of her name; BOmi//
HIS NICKNAME — the nuisance. sometimes the idiot when she's in a good mood.
ALLIES? — no
RELATION — 2 // school mates
CRUSHES — she doesn't have a crush but she admires the social sweetie for being so goddamn jolly all the time and having loaaads of friends.
BIRTHDATE — january 14 1995 // 18 y.o
YEAR — junior
PERSONALITY — jongin is one handsome obnoxious guy. in some way or another, he's actually quite similar to bomi. he's arrogant, stubborn and very prideful. but unlike her jongin has got quite a lot of friends (even outside his clique). he's very charming in his own ways and can be very flirty when he's single. but the moment a girl catches his eyes, he'll take her seriously. he's also a green minded jerk and can be immature at times. 
INTERATIONS — it's like jongin and bomi are in a secret relationship. they try to have as little interaction with each other when in public but he does give her winks (she'd ignore them) and some small skinship when they're close enough (she doesn't react). when it's just the two of them, the teasing will begin. he calls her the nicknames he made up for her and she'll pretend that she doen't care. jongin would try and get a reaction from her and whenever he does, he'll about it. bomi also gets violent arond him but he got used to it and can even dogde them now.
HOW THEY ME(E)T — bomi and jongin met before the whole division through her of a cousin. her cousin and himwere in the same sports team (she forgot what sport otl) and met him when their team won in the finals. there was a party for the team's victory and she was invited by her cousin to come. jongin had recently broke up with his girlfriend (now EX-gf) and he wanted to get wasted to forget her, while bomi had unfortunetely nothing better to do on that friday night. yes, it's sad. she knew. then the introduction came. her of a cousin introduced the two together but bomi barely glanced at jongin and jongin was too distracted to care. she left him alone and he did too... until the next hour. jongin despite being a minor drank some alcohol and got tipsy/drunk. his ex then suddenly appeared but with a guy in tow behind her. drunk and pissed, he formed a plan on his non-funtioning mind. jongin saw bomi across the room just behind the walking couple and since he wasn't thinking straight, jongin stormed towards bomi (his ex thought he was going to her LOL). bomi was bewildered and looked up at jongin who was now in front of her. she remembered his face but not his name. jongin gave her a smile, said a few words along the lines of, 'hi, we met earlier. you're really pretty and i just wanna say im sorry in advance' and before she could comprehend what he meant, he grabbed her by the back of herhead and pulled her towards him and kissed her. bomi was so muh in shock that she didn't know what to do. she stood motionless until her cousin had to tear them apart, laughing at them and saying 'get a room'. bomi finally got a hold of herself and without hesitation kicked jongin in the shin nd stormed off to ger a drink. it was her first kiss for crying out loud. aaaaannnd that folks was the start of their sweet bickering relationship. 
REASON — jongin likes bomi for her mysteriousness. he's never met a girl like her before and her whole personality sparked something inside jongin. he wants to get to know her personally, make her smile (he noticed her poker-face) and all the things no one has ever given the chance to. it even seems that jongin likes it when bomi pushes him away and it makes her more interested in her. as corny as it may sound, jongin believes that there's more to bomi and he's willing to do anything to find out what. // overtime, bomi got used to jongin being around her most of the time. she even tolerates his nicknames for her now. she doesn't know why feels this way though. maybe she sees jongin as the change or spark in her life. yes, cheesy she knows.
BACKUP — eureurong eureurong eureurong daeeee
QUESTIONS — yes i lied, i said i'll be finished last week but i didn't /gets brickED. but hey,i has finally finished * ^ *
SCENE SUGGESTIONS — i got nothing ; - ; but i'll tell you when i think of some c:
ANYTHING ELSE — i've got the moobs like jagger.
WHAT'S THE PASSWORD —  // 分裂 — ( you don`t know love ) : 013


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