such wow art -_-

Sometimes I like to pretend that I can draw and paint.

So this is a chibi drawing of Yongguk in my fics Streaming and It. Huehuehue~
I drew this one on my birthday because I was really depressed because of not being able to go to OGS.


This one...ugh.. I don't know. Random girl in watercolor. It doesn't look as bad as this irl. My phone camera LOL

Chibi me OwO Huehuehue

Guess who... ._. I copied the pose and hair from BYG but then huehuehue... I'm not good in copying faces. So yeah
Anyway this was also done in watercolor plus color pencils


Pencil and splashes of water color.




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you're good~
paigehk #2
Wow u have very nice drawing skill. Ur own chibi is sooo kawaii