That Black Car is like wanted to kill me or something ;______;

Seriously -_- what's wrong with that driver that drive black car anyway. Its like it want to kill me or something. Geez~I was cycling with my cousin then the same car speed up to me but relief that my cousin guyfriend save me.


And the second time was when I was going to buy something at the shop which was near my house then SAME CAR almost crash me -_-" aish~ I'm getting annoy that black car and I feel like I don't want to go out *shiver*


Ah~there's a third time I was cycling alone and when I look behind me the SAME CAR follow me behind and when I speed up the car speed up too that it almost crash to me but thank goodness my adoptive brother safe me *phew* 


I wish this never happend again because it feel like it really do wanted to kill me and I feel really unsafe. Idk why he/she always following around and crashing me? Do you guys know why? -_- whatever but its really freaking me out


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The car is crazy wait not the car is crazy..
the driver is crazy..
gwenchana unnie? You should be careful and bad guy for hurting unnie >.<
Ah I know unnie ! He's a e ! :DD

But I think .. he wants to kidnap you .
Veoooonna #4
WTF is wrong with that guy?! Is he/she a psycho person or something? Now, I'm really worried about you now. Aish.. Stupid Psycho, hope you go to hell!!!!