〈 ❝△ delete 〉 application- Im Jae Yun



Username: Jaecking

Profile Link + Hyperlink : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/492105

Activeness : 1 2 3 4 5 (I practically live on this site XD)


Character Name : Jae Yun Im

Ulzzang/Idol + Hyperlink : Sulli (F(x)) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Backup + Hyperlink : Yoon So hee 1  2  3  4  5 

Nickname : YunYun (Childhood nickname)

Birthdate : 17/10/1996

Age : 17

Ethnicity : Korean

Languages : English (Fluent), Korean (Fluent), Mandarin (Conversational)

Birthplace : Gimpo, Korea

Hometown : Sydney, Australia

Height : 164cm

Weight : 47kg

Details : Long chestnut straight Hair, large eyes which form into crescent moons when she smiles, small nose and mouth. 


Personality :

Jae Yun is an outgoing and bubbly girl who hides behind a facade of smiles and laughter. She tries to retain her image of a happy go lucky girl in front of trainers, stangers and fans , but once you get to know her you'll realise she has a very blunt and upfront nature. She is sweet and caring to her loved ones and fiercely loyal, and will protect those she cares about with the upmost sencreity. However with those she does not like, she will give them the cold shoulder or otherwise completely avoid talking to them. She is competitive, sometimes too competitve and loves a challenge which can often lead to bad situations. She has a twisted sense of humour, often laughing at inappropriate times as way to mask her insecurities of her childhood. At times she can be very sympathetic, however she can not empathise with a person if she has had no first-hand experience at that situation. She is confident and self-assured, however once shes gets around her crush she gets shy, cuter, begins to stutter and her mind draws a blank. She has a strong sense of morals, as her parents always told her they were of the upmost importance, and is willing to fight for she believes is the right thing. Jae Yun loves to have a good time. Jae Yun strives for perfection, however she understands where limits lie. When Jae Yun gets angry or upset she often takes it out on her friends or those close to her, as believes that only will understand the source of her anger. Not only that she also begins to shut out everyone and become extremely irratiable around her friends. She hates showing her weak side to her enemies and will often put up a front of happiness in order to seem strong. She was not the best student, but she did try her hardest in the subjects she cared about the most. She attended a public school in Australia, however took saturday classes in order to become fluent in her mother tongue. She has a love for other cultures, which is why she tried to learn some mandarin. When it comes to things, Jae Yun tries her best to open-minded and respectful of other peoples opinons. Jae Yun is also a hopeless romantic.

Likes : 

- Other Cultures - Jae Yun is fascinated by other cultures and often tries to emerse herself in a different culture.

- Reading - As a child, Jae Yun found reading as an escape to her troubles, and thus as she progressed into adulthood she naturally continued to love books. 

- Chocolate/Sweet Things - Jae Yun is an absolute chocoholic and a lover of all things sweet.

- Hanging with Friends - Jae Yun values friendship in everything and loves to talk and help her friends with anything.

- having a good time 

Dislikes : 

- Rude/Disrepectful People - One of Jae Yun's biggest dislikes is when someone is rude and disrespectful. As her parents brought her up with a strong sense of respect and morals, she believes its with the upmost importance that everyone is respectful.

- Chocolate Milk or Icecream - Although she is a chocoholic, she hates the taste of chocolate milk and icecream.

- Insects - although she isn't scared of them, she does have a strong distaste for them, and when she sees one she wont hold back.

- Anti fans / Gossip magazines

Phobias :

- Scary Movies ( especially Zombie Movies) 

- Being alone in a house 

Hobbies : 

- Dancing

- Reading

Habits : 

- Bites her lip when she lies

Trivia : 

- Jae Yun has been classically trained in ballet from the age of 4, however she loves to dance to other music styles such as hip hop.

- Although her voice isn't that strong, it is very sweet and soft. 

Prized Posession : Ring from her father


Background : Jae Yun was born in Gimpo, Korea, from her two loving Im Baek Ho and Kim Seo Hin. The three of them moved to Australia, as her parents believed it would give her a better start to life than living in Korea. However even though they lived in Australia her parents still forced her to learn and practice the culture of Korea. Jae Yun was an only child, which meant that her parents loved her and made sure she was content with her life. However even though they did this, they made sure not to spoil the child and taught her many different values and lessons. 

Since they had migrated to a new country, life wasnt easy for her parents, as they were forced into a world with several language barriers as well as low income jobs, however the Im's were content with their lives as they had each other. At a young age, Jae Yun began to love to sing and dance for her family members, and soon this passion spurned with her joining various different clubs and bands during high school. At the tender age of 12, tradgey struck the family, with the sudden death of her father which to this day still has left many emtional scars on Jae Yun. It is this event which created Jae Yun's hatred of crying as well as grief, thus the reason why Jae Yun is constantly smiling and laughing. 

Due to much financial trouble, the family eventually moved back to Korea when Jae Yun was 14. Jae Yun's mother never got remarried.

Father : Im Baek Ho | n/a | Taxi Driver | Dead| Father

Mother : Kim Seo Hin | 49 | Waitress | Alive | Mother

Brother : n/a

Sister : n/a

Enemies :

Song Hae Jin / 17 / Trainee/ Hae Jin is a fellow trainee at SM Entertainment. Although she is beautiful, she is extremely cocky and rude, which is the exact type of person Jae Yun hates. Jae Yun tries to avoid talking to Hara, while Hara who knows Jae Yun hates her continually tries to get under her skin. Jae Yun first met Hae Jin in a dancing class, where Hae Jin was rude and disrespectful to the trainer. Hae Jin is popular with guys, and always has a new boy by her side each week. She loves to drink and party and although their personalities may be similiar, Jae Yun and Hae Jin hate each other with a passion. 

Best Friends :

Kai | 19 | Alive | Dancing | Best Friends/Mentor - Mentoree - They first met when Kai was teaching a class, and they instantly became good friends. Although they seem to have a very casual relationship, Jae Yun really respects Kai and Kai feels as though Jae Yun is a younger sister to him.


Stage Name : (prefer my real name)

Persona : Vitamin

Role : face/main dancer

Back-up role : Lead Dancer

Fanclub name : HeyheyitsJJ

Fanclub color : 1

How SM found you : While she was walking around, Jae Yun was street casted and asked to audition. 

Training for 3 years.

How do you act with group members?

Jae Yun absolutely adores the members, and tries her best to take care of all of them as well as protect them. She loves goofing around with certain members but can also have serious talks with them.

Love interest : Suho 1 2 3 4 5

Group : EXO

Age : 22

Status : Crush | Dating | Couple

Personality around love interest : Jae Yun although bubbly and confident around others, once she is talks  to Suho she immediately clams up and gets extremely shy and nervous. She begins to act a little more cutely in hopes of appealing more to his interest. When he's not talking directly to her she will act more outrageously and be more confident in hopes of getting his attention.

Back-up love interest + 5 images hyperlink : Lay 1 2 3 4 5

Ex-boyfriend + 5 images hyperlink : (Kwon Jiyong taken)

Back-up ex-boyfriend + 5 images hyperlink :

Age :

Relationship :

His new girlfriend + 5 images hyperlink : (Lee Chaerin taken)

Back-up + 5 images hyperlink :

Age :

Relationship :





Scene request :

-Cute Romantic scenes between me and love interest

- fight between someone and member, and me protecting the member



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