Tagged by B1A4bunny

1.) Did you die when you saw Exo Showtime? LOL if you didn't will you die?! (yes you will ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
  I haven't watched all of it, but I will...and yes I did XD I was laughing like an idiot x.x
2.) How was Thanksgiving? 
    Good! Although seeing my ex wasn't very fun x.x
3.) Do you miss B.A.P? (Unless of course, you just wanna rub it into far away BABYz of how amazing their Japanese concerts are)
4.) Are you a closet K-popper? ( It's kind of hard to be, but if you are, no one will tell and blow your cover ^^)
   uh, NO, but I have been less annoying? about it around people who don't understand..aka everyone. O.o
5.) Have you thought of seeing your bias in person? Maybe you're too shy to?
   Yes and I think I would say how much I love them and tell them they're a good singer and blush like an idiot the whole time O.o
6.) What is that one animal that looks exactly like your bias? (ex: Jinyoung - Artic Fox)
      Hmm, I'm gonna have to think for a while....I can't really think of an animal when I think of Ken...he certainly doesn't resemble anything... And N and Hyuk and all my other biases.......ehhhh Hyuk, definitely a puppy ;A;
7.) What is your stance on the Doyeon- L issue? ( Oh lord I know it's probably a long answer, but write as much as you feel like!)
I really feel like Doyeon was using L, although I had no idea what was going on at all...
8.) What would you do if ALL this time, you were on Secret-Cam, and your bias was watching you the whole time?
     Oh dear ;A; I would scream 'why would you do that and trick me' and then fall over and cry, sob, and want to die. x.x
9.) Would you EVER convert for EXO? (If you are a full-blown EXOtic, who ruins your bias list?)
It should say 'which members' because ALL MEMBERS ARE BIAS RUINERS-Just kidding! :3 Um, Kris, Lay, Sehun, Tao, Kai (bc of his Jongin/Kai differences *-*), yeah basically whoever isn't my bias ;A;
10.) Do you listen to SanE? If you do, What's your favorite song? If not, do you like K-HipHop?
I don't listen to SanE but I do like K Hiphop. Block B's old stuff was pretty kick , and I like BTS :)
11.) How was Thanksgiving~~? Or to others, how was November 28th?? 
Thanksgiving was good (you already asked this question, girl! XD) and I ate a lot of mocha cheesecake /starts to drool/ speaking of mocha cheesecake...I might have to go get some from the fridge O.o Bye!


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