i'm back and a lot of stuff to talk about.

Ayo guys! wassup wassup~ it's been such a long time since i made a blog post right. yeah well, was kinda busy before but now i'm totally free. well not totally but like i'm able to update my fanfics now. as for poster making, i'm not sure since i haven't touched PS and gimp for like umm idk 6 months? (and i can't really remember how to use it, or it's just that i don't want to remember yet cause too lazy for poster making.) So anyways, i'm gonna be updating my fanfics now! Yippie~ took me long enough right. and i guess i should really apologize for neglecting my fanfics and subscribers.


(omg my subs went up to 881 now thank you very much! the last time it was 666 and now it has increased and i just need a shoulder to cry on.) so i'll be updating my fanfic of love still stands first (cause i like the fanfic and it's my fav lol). then i'm gonna update my yoona fic. then i'm going to talk to all my close friends and definitely my partner in crime; (you know, i hope you haven't forgotten me unnie!) and um going back to fangirling like before but with more since i'm free now. (lol i really don't wanna get myself invoved again cause of the Myungsoo dating scandal and my myungyeol heart was just breaking into million pieces. idc if people say that soo's human it's normal and blah blah, cause if you don't love myungyeol you dont know the real pain that i'm going through. sigh. whatever. kim doyeon is history anyway. i blame her though. sorry not sorry)


oh and my bros went on vacation to dubai and they won this expo 2020 thing and they got free food. McD, baskin robbing and etc were giving out free food and i wasn't there to finish it all. what a bummer. but it's okay cause i'm left alone with my parents and they're cool people. tmrw we're gonna watch a movie together at the cinema and yesterday we went shopping to buy my stuff only. haha, i love being the only child. (no not really i miss my baby brothers). wow i really have a lot to talk about, mostly random stuff that's just random. or maybe it's because i got my laptop back after nearly 6 months or so and my fingers are like going wild and just typing out nonsense.


okay bye, i'll write more blog post though i'm sure no one reads it till the end, lol. oh and any song recs? cause i seriously need some!



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its_me #1
woah woah youre back..
hmm well idk whether you still rmb me lol
its been like... an ages since the last time we talked lol
glad youre back though.
and welcome~ :D
HottestVIPSone #2
Gahahahahaha! welcome BACKKKKK! <3 I miss your blog post, your drabbles, your stories and well.... YOU! :B

PS: 2NE1's MISSING YOU IS SOOO GOOD. Have you listened to it?
yodokyu #3
I'm heart broken as well because of that doyeon girl! T_T and I thought that they can't get married because of both of them are 'kim'
kinri08 #4
Hiiiiiii~~ and welcome back dear^^
gyoona #5
Wel come back!! Write soon! Want to read gyoon fanfic!