Movie Recommendations? :)

I got bored. D:


And I just watched "First Love/A Crazy Thing Called Love". :D Mario Maurer and BaiFern are so cuteeee together~!! And Mario is just... *-* /dies




Any recommendations for romantic comedies? (Movies). <3




Please recommend me if you have some C:


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You could try watching 27 dresses and meet the in-laws, which is really funny:) my all time favorite romance movie is not really a♥ comedy, but its really touching, is the NOTEBOOK♥♥
try another mario film, tittled frienship
then bangkok traffi love story,
hello stranger,
love at four size,, those are good for me,,

as for korean movies try
too beautiful to lie
or my boyfriend is type B,, it's a little old bad good,,
try another mario film, tittled frienship
then bangkok traffi love story,
hello stranger,
love at four size,, those are good for me,,

as for korean movies try
too beautiful to lie
or my boyfriend is type B,, it's a little old bad good,,