{65.} baby sehun

Who is Oh Sehun? 

Ever since the day he became one of my biases, I really tried so hard to understand his way in kpop. Truthfully, I asked myself why he became a member - back then, he was so shy, he can't sing and his dancing still hasn't gotten into me but that was just back then. But as time goes by, I realized that this kid has a potential to be a star. I tried so hard to pay attention until my feelings for this kid has grown. I always watch his fancams, observe how he moves/talks/take things seriously, I watch how he dances, how he treats his fellow members and how he treats his fans and everything. I may not have seen him personally but based on what I see through videos, I'm sure that this kid is someone you'll really love because he's too precious and still young. He needs more guidance as much as his fellow members. He's still new to the enviroment that all he needs right now is support. He's quite insecure and he obviously he wanted to learn more. I don't think he's just doing this because the cameras are here and there, obviously, Sehun is new and obviously what he's doing (that we see on camera) is natural. He may act bratty, but I know deep down he's shy and appreciative. He may act like he's the eldest but I know that it's just his way of protecting himself but deep down there, he's still the baby that everyone knows - still insecure, still weak and still confused with the surroundings. 

For some, they don't appreciate his voice and his dancing skills. I do understand since we all have different opinions. But there's a reason why Sehun's my bias. For me, I love his cute voice, I really don't care if SM gives him a few lines, I know Sehun himself knows that his voice still needs a little bit of training. I love the way he dance - for some, he's getting compared with Kai and Yixing but sad to say, they all have different movements. Sehun's moves are smooth as well although his emotion's still lacking but I do really appreciate his way of dancing. At least he knows how to dance, BUT HOW ABOUT YOU HATERS, DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO DANCE? I bet a lot of you don't. 

For some, they think that Sehun's not polite. Not bowing 90 degrees, doesn't know how to use formalities and all, I know Koreans are very strict about that, but hey, that's normal. At least he knows how to respect people. And hey, not because the camera wasn't able to capture his 90 degrees bow doesn't mean he isn't polite at all. He's still a person, I know he knows how to respect people. Some are just so observant that even the littlest thing that a camera wasn't able to capture makes them gullible. He may look cold and maybe he doesn't smile that much but I'm sure he appreciates everyone, he's just not a good at putting it into words and even into actions. 

I'm glad that he's trying to become open to everyone these days, tbh. But what hurts me the most? People judging EXO and PEOPLE JUDGING MY BIASES. And this thing hurts me because Sehun's one of my biases and he's part of EXO. Some compare him to s, some even talk s about him, some even think that he's not deserving to be part of the OT12,  some even treats him differently just because he's emotionless, some even don't care about him because for some he's just a useless maknae who's not talented at all. But let me remind you, those words hurt the most, especially to someone like him. AGAIN, he's young. He still needs to learn. He still needs to cope with a lot of things in the industry. Some may say that he never cares, but hey, I bet he cares. There's a reason why he's working hard to learn, it's because he wants to prove that he's better. He wanted to prove everyone that he's not just a useless maknae.

That picture above is one of the many proofs that Sehun's hard working. He's working hard for us fans, to prove to us that being his fan is worth it. There's a reason why I love Oh Sehun. Not just because he's handsome but also because he's hard working and doesn't deserved the hate. To the netizens who only know mere facts about this kid, UGH I HATE YOU TO THE CORE. Seeing that picture above and even the translations made me soften. Tbh I really cried when the Sehun search spree happened last night because I can see how the exo stans helped each other just for him. I know I'm quite overreacting but Sehun is askdjfkjdsf :((((((((( HE'S JUST SO IMPORTANT TO ME. Not because he's one of my biases but also because he's human. PUT YOURSELF IN HIS SHOES and you'll feel it :'( It's really heart breaking. 

Oh Sehun, WE LOVE YOU OKAY? I LOVE YOU OKAY? I RARELY DO THIS TO MY BIASES. I KNOW YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT MY EXISTENCE. BUT HECK, I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT I CARE! even though you're already too painful in my life, i still care. I know you're not lazy, I know you still have a lot of expressions, I know you still have so much to give and I bet you still need more time fr that. You're always special, okay, REMEMBER THAT. Always smile, because that rare smile of yours is my favorite. always. PS, keep safe always <3




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He's still young! He can still improve! Sehun will improve for us <3