For How Long?

(Note: Useless post, as usual.)

After typing my first chapter for my new fic, I had it counted and the total was 2,589 words. I made the whole chapter for a week during my freetime at school and it took more than 10 pages in my notebook. I was aiming for 5,000 words, though, so I was kind of disappointed. But nevertheless, I was still glad that I was able to finish it. My usual updates would not get past 2,000 words (Ha. Ha.). And writing and typing it was very tiresome.

But after updating, I was contemplating on my goal of 5,000 words per chapter and I know that I could not do it; 2,589 words are already too much. However, I was thinking, which is better: long chapters or short ones? And also, how long is long enough? 2500 words? 5000?

I know reading could sometimes be boring but short ones can seem lacking. And reading this really great fanfic with long chapters made my short updates pointless. But it probably depends on the fanfic, I guess? Haha. Rhetorical? Maybe.


But seriously, how long is long enough?

/stares at the ceiling/


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ELFlisa #1
it is okay whether its short or long because the contents is very importnant..
Hmm... there's never too long or too short! But 5000 really seems a bit over haha