Understanding Myungsoo

When I first heard about Myungsoo's dating scandal, I was shocked.

Well, I am just a fan and I have no right to dictate Myungsoo's life-not even his love life even if I am a hardcore Myungzy shipper.

I was never angry at Myungsoo for dating Do Yeon.

But I was a bit mad at Do Yeon. If she really loved Myungsoo and wanted their relationship to last, she would not leave hints, and moreover, obvious ones. (or that's what the articles said)

However, Do Yeon never deserved all the hate she's been receiving, I believe in that.

When Woolim denied it, I was thankful.

Months after or just recently, Do Yeon tweeted something and Woolim confirmed that Myungsoo and Do Yeon did date.

I was angry and disappointed because they lied. And moreover, LOL. My ship. My favorite ship got into a devastating storm.

But everyone should read the post below. Heal your hearts and help heal Myungsoo's heart.

(c) Infinite Tagalog Meme

I love you and I always will.


PS.Forgive me if I am selfish but I'm grateful for this information.

It blew the sails of my favorite ship, once again.


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I doesn't hate kdy but I think she receive all the hate because her own mistake if she not give hint everywhere in the first place she still dating myungsoo happily until now
YES. Thank god, someone who also has the same opinion about KDY. I don't hate her, but you must admit she brought most of the hate she gets on herself.

And yeah, when it was confirmed, the first thing I thought was, ". I feel awkward as reading myungyeol fics now."
I still support Myungsoo and will always will. KDY should have never posted hints that are pretty obvious. She should have tried to protect him but instead she showed the world about their relationship. Yes, she didn't deserve to be hated and cursed at but she should have known it will happen since Myungsoo is an artist. Fans are overreacting because of the rumors going around about KDY.
I still ship MyungZy too but currently on a week's hiatus. I'll cont loving them. My feels will be back :) and Do Yeon, ugh... I just can't stand her...
I still ship myungzy tho.they are still in my heart. To be honest I wasn't upset when myungsoo said he dated. It's normal for ppl to date but what made me angry was the actions of doyeon. That was really rude and whether the thing is true or not I'll still support myungsoo and myungzy!
I don't think it's 100% true..
When rumour about Myungsoo's dating came out first, there's some like this which denying about the dating rumour as we know, the rumour turn out to be true. Maybe the analysis is filled by some facts, but we don't know what really happened. And again people can lie.