我的心疼...it hurts

Listen to a problem...

They spent 4 months together in another country. Each and every day they were together, they made new friends, had adventures together, then 4 months later returned to their homeland - resumed their normal lives. But things changed. 

Of course, it was a simple friendship between a girl and a boy. Her mother and grandmother that he was already so in love with her so why don't they just get married? She shook her head no, the boy denied. They were just friends. But things changed. 

The new semester resumed, classes began, and they met up quite often after becoming so used to each other's company. Then she slowly comes to realize that she likes him. But he has feelings for someone else, and it's a life turning thing in the middle of his life. Life...has always been good to him, he had it all planned out before this huge explosion hit him. He can't forget that person he met in that country. His feelings for that person is so strong even when he know that they won't be able to be. So his heart hurts. She likes him. And her heart hurts. Because things changed. 

She can't tell him because their friendship would never be the same. She could lose the friend she had in him. Friendship would transition into lovers or worse. So she decides to keep all these pain within herself. 

I saw her cry the other night. She asked me, why does it have to be him? She told me her grandma was right. He told me his heart hurts. I watched her help him get back home. He was drunk. He leaned against her, he has a touchy nature where he doesn't realize that he may be poking into someone's personal space uninvitingly. I get mad seeing so knowing that she hurts even more when he hugs her, puts his arm around her, or just simply touch her. She encouraged him to get up when his legs collapsed underneath him. 

She told me in the morning, she won't contact him after the semester ends. I want to encourage her to confess, but I know so many things will change in many unpredictable ways. There's no way I can guarantee anything. She refuses to say anything. She doesn't want to change their friendship. 

His heart hurts. Her heart hurts. They're both in pain. 

What am I to do? I feel like I could do something, then I also realize that this is something that needs to be dealt with alone. It's so hard, hurts, and is painful because both of them are close to me. I am unable to do anything. All because so many things changed. 


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I understand how hard it is when you are in such a situation :( You think you can do something, but you do not know what. You think you should not mingle yourself in it. What is a friend supposed to do? In the end, a decision has to be made, and you never know if it was the right one until you have made it. As long as you stood by it, then that should be enough. There is no need to feel regret later on, when you chose what was best in your opinion at that time :) Supporting them, talking to them, 'waking them up', or simple silently watch over them, they are all good intentions :) Just... Just remember that not everything can be solved, and sometimes... It is better that way...