All about me~ ( Stolen from my friend,B2stFan3 )


001. What is Your Name? My wife.
My bias: /drags me on stage/ What's your name?
Me: My wife.
My bias: Alright everyone,let me introduce to you My wife!
Yep,I should totally try that.It seems so right.
002. How old are you? Too young to be on this site,I tell you.
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? I don't have any. -3- *pout*
004. What is your height? 164+ cm ( Been long since I took my height and weight. )
005. Do you have any siblings? Yesh.
006. What is your eye colour? Black.
007. What is your hair colour? Brown~ ^^ Natural brown~!
008. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glassesh.
009. Are you right handed or left handed? Right,cause I'm always right. XD
010. Do you have any piercings? Nope,removed them.
011. Do you smoke? Nah.
012. Do you swear? Yesh,yesh I do.
013. Do you get along with your parents? Most of the time,yeah.
014. Your heritage? I don't know...
015. Your fears? Currently posted on another blog post.
016. Goal you would like to achieve this year? GET MY PHONE WHICH I APPARENTLY DONT HAVE.
017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger? I'm borrrreeeeeddddd~
018. Best Physical Feature? Eyes? I think? :3
019. Your bedtime? School days: 10pm  Non-school days: 12midnight
020. What time do you arise in the morning? School days: 6.30am  Non-school days: 9-10pm or later
021. First thoughts waking up? I want to sleep.
022. Do you shower daily? Yep.Is it wrong not to? D_O
This Or That?
023. Bright or dark room? Both...
024. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla!
025. Dogs of cats? Dogs,cats are cute but scareyyy.
026. Pepsi or Coke? Both.
027. McDonalds or Burger King? Both.
028. Ant or Dec? ...Wut?
029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Neither...I don't like tea unless it is milk tea.
030. Cappuccino or Coffee? Never tried cappuccino,so,coffee.
In the last month have you...
031. Drank alcohol? Nope.
032. Gone to a mall? Yes.
033. Eaten a box of Oreos? Hell yeah~
034. Eaten sushi? Yesh man.Sushi ish nice.
035. Been on stage? Nope~
036. Been dumped? NAH.But I ditched my friend XD Does that count?
037. Gone skinny dipping? Nope,and probably never will.
038. Stolen Anything? From my brother,yes.
Have you ever...
039. Laughed for no reason? Laughing is good for you,people~ :3
040. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? Yeah,reading at my friends house with another friend.
041. Been in love? Yeah,with my biases.
042. Fired a gun? Bang,bang,bang~Nope.
043. Been drunk? I don't know...
044. Been called a Tease? Wait,in what way?
045. Been beaten up? Yes,but I beat up that guy too.
046. Shoplifted? No.I don't do crimes~ XD
What was the last....
047. Furry thing you touched? My friend's pencil case...
048. Thing you've said? *insert gibberish korean words here*Ringa Linga,Ring,Linga,Ringa Ling.
049. Song you've listened to? Ringa Linga-Taeyang  XD  Addictive song~
050. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? My mum.
051. Movie you watched? The hunger games.Yep.
052. Thing you were doing before this? Browsing Facebook.Or should I say specifically,breathing~ >_<
053. Time you cried? Yesterday.I told you I cry easily.
054. Song you've sang? Ringa Linga by Taeyang,as you can see~ :D
055. Time you looked at the clock? Few minutes ago.
056. Food and drink you've had? Sesame paste and water.And it just happened that I spilled it...
057. Flavour of gum you've chewed? Some mix of...stuff.Idk anymore.
058. Shoes you've worn? Sneakers.
059. Store you've been in? 7-Eleven...
060. Planet? EARTH.
061. Age you've been so far? 1-3 Being a baby was fun.Eat,,sleep was all I did. XD
062. Season? Winter.
063. Number? 27 ( My index number...You probably don't know what that means,right?)
064. TV show? RUNNING MAN! 
065. Flower? I don't know.
066. How much cash do you have on you? None.
067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? More.GIMME MORE KPOP.
068. What T-Shirt are you wearing? My PJs.
069. What brand of shoes are you wearing? Currently barefooted.
070. What did your last text message say? I DONT HAVE A PHONE,NOW STOP MAKING ME SAD.
071. What were you doing at midnight last night? Flipping around my bed,trying to sleep.
072. What's your current desktop picture? Me and my friend.
073. What's a word that you say a lot? OMG.
074. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Black or white will do.I love both.
075. How is the weather right now? Warm.
076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ? Their face.Dont judge meh.
077. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Maybe.
078. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? Nope and never tried.
079. Who would you like to see right now? My biases.
080. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
081. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? Unless he is hot.But I bet no one wants meh. XD
082. How do you want to die? With my bias.Nah,that will send people into a state of depression.
083. What do you want to be when you grow up? I wanna be rich and pretty and whatever people like in girls but I would never,ever be girly.Too bad.
084. What country would you most like to visit? KOREAAAA~
085. How many CDs do you own? None.I don't watch CDs or stuff...
086. How many things, in your past, do you regret? Too late for regrets,now.Too late.
087. Do you think you are attractive? No.
088. Do you believe in yourself? Yesh.
089. Do you want to get married? I don't know,but being single is nice even if you are lonely.
In a boy/girl...
090. Favourite eye colour? Any.
091. Favourite hair colour? Rainbow hair like Sehunnie's!!
092. Short or long hair? Short.
093. Height? Taller than me but I'm already tall for my age.
094. Weight? Overweight.Meh.I don't care~ :P


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I feel bad for reading all your blog posts without commenting or something... I feel like a stalker