Great news!

Hey guys! So this photo of me has been entered in an ulzzang contest on Instagram and I'm asking y'all to go vote for it. You don't have to but it would really mean a lot to me (: go to @youareulzzang_ on instagram and vote for it in the 'Perfect Girl category 2' (it should be the most recent picture) Im girl #3, my instagram is @american_ulzzang :)

i actually tried to enter a month ago but i didnt think i would get in and now i did! The voting closes about 12 hours from now so if you have an instagram pretty please go comment your vote and ask your followers to vote, thank youuuuuuuuuu♡♡♡♡♡♡



it's not my best photo but i'm really happy that i got into the contest and your support would mean a lot to me :)


here is the direct link to go VOTE


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