Nerdy,emo or childish? ( Stolen again cause I'm bored like hell )


[] I always carry a pen/pencil in my purse/bag.
[] I enjoy studying 
[X] I wear glasses.
[X] I'm a straight A student. ( YEAH. )
[X] I've never skipped class in my whole life.
[] I like my shirt tucked in
[] One of my favorite subjects is science.
[X] I like reading. ( Usually books that are nice and rated pg 13. Don't judge me! ._. )
[] My assignments are passed up on time. ( IM NOT RESPONSIBLE. )
Total: 4
[X] I am crazy about the color, black. ( AND WHITE YAY )
[X] I sit at a corner.
[] One side of my hair is covering one of my eyes.
[] I like heavy metal rock music.
[] I have a lot of problems in my life.
[X] I don't talk much. ( To strangers )
[] I don't have that many friends. ( I have many true friends XD My life is perfect. )
[] I barely have fun. ( Well that's just...sad. )
[X] I barely go out with my folks or friends.  ( My parents don't let me... )
Total: 4
[X] I like to staring at the ceiling for 10 minutes. ( Daydreaming in progress. )
[X] I sleep with a toy animal/pillow.  
[X] I watch cartoons. ( Sometimes )
[X] I love to invent words only I understand. ( Mah accent ppl. )
[X] I sleep with a night light. ( Light for me to wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. )
[] My parents are the ones that choose my outfit. ( Eww...Their taste is horrible,I must say.Sorry,mum and dad. )
[] I'm scared of roller coasters. ( Never rode one...Sad life. )
[X] I like being with my relatives. ( My cousin is my good sister for life~ XD )
[X] I like bubble baths. ( I wish I had one before. ) 
[X] I like Spongebob. ( DONT JUDGE MEH. )
Total: 8
I am childish! Yay! I knew it! Well I admit I am childish. Unlike my friends who are so mature. ;_;


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