three word answers (from onew23SHINee)

1. where is your cell phone?

on my bed.


2. boyfriend / girlfriend?

dont have one.


3. hair?

long, split ends.


4. your mother?

is sleeping now.


5. your father?

is also asleep


6. your favorite item?

mobile phone,surface


7. your dream last night?



8. your favorite drink

Pearl Milk Tea


9. your dream guy / girl?

Should be Korean


10. the room you are in?

Is really comfortable.


12. your fear?

I have heaps


13. what do you want to be in 10 years?

Be oppar's wife!


14. who did you hang out with last night?

no one, really.


15. what are you not?

cute little .


16. are you in love?

yes, kind off.


17. one of your wish list items?

Samsung S4


19. the last thing you did?

Read a Fic 


20. what are you wearing?

crop top,shorts


22. your favorite book?

hardly read books


23. the last thing you ate?

A Filipino food


24. your life?

Is really stressing.


25. your friends?

older than me

27. what are you thinking about right now?

wanting a boyfriend


28. your car?

i cant drive


29. what are you doing at this moment?

typing my answer


30. your summer?

coming really soon 


31. your relationship status?

y,free,single :>


32. what is on your tv screen?

TV is off


33. when is the last time you laughed?

few minutes ago


34. last time you cried?

just last night


35. school?

please burn it.


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