Three word answers (Stolen from onew23SHINee)

1. where is your cell phone?

Right beside me.


2. boyfriend / girlfriend?

I'm single actually.


3. hair?

Dark brown, long.


4. your mother?

Watching a series.


5. your father?

Far from me.


6. your favorite item?

Handphone, Laptop, Books.


7. your dream last night?

Was so sweet.


8. your favorite drink

Milk, water, coffee.


9. your dream guy / girl?

Handsome, Rich, Tall.


10. the room you are in?

it's called bedroom.


12. your fear?

My beautiful Mom.


13. what do you want to be in 10 years?

A great Ambassador.


14. who did you hang out with last night?

nobody, I think.


15. what are you not?

I’m not famous.


16. are you in love?

I don't know.


17. one of your wish list items?

I want car.


19. the last thing you did?

Post an update.


20. what are you wearing?

Clothes and training.


22. your favorite book?

Novel and comic.


23. the last thing you ate?

It's spinach soup.


24. your life?

Is not yours.


25. your friends?

Are so awesome.

27. what are you thinking about right now?

How, when, why.


28. your car?

Don't have any.


29. what are you doing at this moment?

Typing the answer.


30. your summer?

See you, love.


31. your relationship status?

Free and Single.


32. what is on your tv screen?

It turned off.


33. when is the last time you laughed?

Two hours ago.


34. last time you cried?

Long time ago.


35. school?

What is that?



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