Three word answers (Stolen form B2stFan3)

1. where is your cell phone?

On a book.


2. boyfriend / girlfriend?

I am single.


3. hair?

Short, dyed red.


4. your mother?

In the kitchen.


5. your father?

Playing the guitar.


6. your favorite item?

Food, Laptop, Camera


7. your dream last night?

I don’t remember.


8. your favorite drink

Milk is good.


9. your dream guy / girl?

Would be kind.


10. the room you are in?

Is my bedroom.


12. your fear?

Butterflies, spiders, heights.


13. what do you want to be in 10 years?

Be a photographer.


14. who did you hang out with last night?

With my family.


15. what are you not?

I’m not sure(?)


16. are you in love?

Not at moment.


17. one of your wish list items?

I’m not sure.


19. the last thing you did?

Read a oneshot.


20. what are you wearing?

I’m in clothes.


22. your favorite book?

Love ‘The giver’


23. the last thing you ate?

Bowl of soup.


24. your life?

It’s going good.


25. your friends?

Mostly online friends.

27. what are you thinking about right now?



28. your car?

Don’t own one.


29. what are you doing at this moment?

Answering the question.


30. your summer?

Is gonna come.


31. your relationship status?

I am single.


32. what is on your tv screen?

Sons of anarchy.


33. when is the last time you laughed?

an hour ago?


34. last time you cried?

Few days ago.


35. school?

I hate it.




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