♠ seventeen girls ♠ Bella ♠ Untouchable Beauty

No Minsoo


username: - farewell-

nickname: aleyna

activeness: 9-10

Name: No Minsoo
Other names: Skylar No, Misaki No, Meixin No

​                   Deer - Her brother call her this because of her big eyes
Tinkerbell - Her favourite movie is Peter Pan and her favourite character is Tinkerbell. Her bestfriends call her this.


Age: 15 years old
Birthdate: 11-11-1998
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea (but spent 3 years in China)

Ethnicity: Korean
Korean (Native) English (Advanced) Mandarin (Fluent)

Face claim: Soyu
Backup face claim: Kang Ji Won
Bloodtype: O
Height: 156cm
Weight: 48kg

Casual - 
Formal - 01-02-03-04-05-06 
Training - 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08 
Dorm - 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08 

Others: She has a birthmark on her waist, with a shape of a butterfly.

Personality: Minsoo is known as the most cheerfull person among her group of friends. It might not be noticeable right away because she always gives a wrong first impression. People might think she is mean and has a rock in the place of her heart, but it's really not like that. She doesn't trust people easily, she has always doubts when it comes trusting someone because she suffered a lot already and doesn't want it to happen again. Even though she keeps telling to herself that the innocent-looking girl already disappeared, she is still really naive and sensitive. She is the type of girl that might not believe your kind words when you tell them to her, if you are being too kind, Minsoo will think you just want to take advantage of her and want something in return.

However, once you succeed on getting past her cold exterior, she turns out to be a lot nicer than most people give her credit for.
Her close friends have taken to referring to her as a puppy because of how gentle and loyal she is once she opens up to someone. 
She's a rather bubblyhappy-go-lucky girl once you get to know her. She is not violent, but surely is a headstrong teenager. She likes to think that she is already a grown up girl and that she doesn't need help to reach what she wants, but soon she understands that is not possible to live on her own, not yet. Doesn't accept other's opinions easily and always fights for what she believes, even if it's a lie. Is bluntand bossy, and surprisely quiet when its needed. Get on her absolute best side, however, and you'll find in her a lifelong friend who would give her life to save yours.  You'll see that Minsoo can be extremely possessive of those she loves the most, refusing to accept that anyone but herself knows what's best for her friends.

Shy and also a bit naive, Minsoo acts a little different in front of the cameras, when she is on stage and broadcast! She becomes quiet and looks like the girl that talks the less amoung the group but is not like that! You won't see her grabbing the mic and talking unless the MC asks something to her. However, she trained to become a star and she knows how to impress as well. People sometimes call her a shapeshifter because she changes drastically when she is performing! She turns from a scared cat to a powerfull fox and imoresses the audience. Her voice also doesn't match her tiny body and baby face, that's why fans decided to call her Untouchable Beauty! 

Background: Minsoo was born into a family people would be envious of. Her mother is a successful clothing designer (in times a Korean model really famous in the States and Europe) and her father is the owner of Vogue, Korea. From an early age, Minsoo and her older brother were the apple of her father’s eye. Anything she ever wanted was given to her, and her brother always got something to match. Her life has been filled with politics, riches and heavy discipline. Growing up as the youngest child wasn’t always easy for the young girl. Her parents always had too high expectations; she needed perfect grades, perfect friends, she always had to dress the perfect way.

This didn't caused any trouble to her, because she still did what she wanted behind her parents back, but most of the time she always behave like a good girl. Even though she was still a baby, with 9 months of life, Minsoo went to Europe, Paris to be part of a diaper's CF, and this was the first step she took in the show business world. After the CF, Minsoo started to receive a lot of other's invitations, but the biggest one was the Beauty Pageants. With 1 year of life, Minsoo was already the most famous baby in the Beauty Pageants world. At the age of two, her mother began taking pictures of her and sending them to modeling agencies, insisting that her daughter would be a fabulous model. By the time Minsoo was five years old, she was already booking jobs with the Gap and JC Penny for their catalogs. Minsoo's beautiful face sent her to many places around the world and opened a lot of doors for a future career, when she finally did her first appearance on Chinese television, with the TV Serie 'JianZhen Dongdu'.

With a whole life inside the show business world, it wouldn't be much of a surprise that Minsoo would want to keep going on the same way, right? Right!
At the age of 9, her family moved from China to Korea again because her brother was choosen to be part of SM Entertainment, as a member of TRAX. Minsoo saw this as an opportunity to also try to be a music star, and after seeing Shinhwa's performance on the television, her will became even bigger. Her family didn't said anything about it, in fact they were really happy with her decision and also really proud because their two kids would be under big companies.

๑ bad boys
๑ winter
๑ horror movies
๑ smurfs
๑ Pink Panther
๑ Aegyo
๑ christmas
๑ nail art

๑ other people touching her things.
being bothered
๑ bad internet connection
๑ blood
๑ crossing the street alone
๑ small places
๑ fish
๑ twilight saga movies
๑ backstabbers

๑ pouting
๑ biting her lips
๑ procrastinating
๑ hiding her face while laughing
๑ rolling her eyes when she is annoyed

๑ nail art
๑ drawing
๑ cinema


  • In predebut times she appeared in a lot of dramas. She is rumored to be the lead role in the new KBS drama "The Dark Side of the Moon" (Not a real drama).
  • once her members tried to make her clean the house and she faked an headache. 
  • she says her best feature is her smile.
  • she says she doesn't have an ideal type.
  • her favourite movie is 'The Day After Tomorrow', she knows all the lines.
  • has a dog named 'Chingu' and it was a gift from Jongin on her birthday.
  • she did an special appearance on the drama 'I Hear your Voice' as the young Hye Sung.
  • she was supposed to debut as an actress and not an idol.

Her brother is No Minwoo, famous for his drama 'My Girlfriend is a Gumiho' and former drummer in 'TRAX'.

when she was 5 years old, she disappeared. Everybody was worried, but then her father found her under her bed, sleeping.

was mentioned in EXO's 'XOXO' thanks To

Family members:  
Father | No Jung Min | 53 | Owner of Vogue Korea | stubborn, talkactive, funny
๑ Mother | Choi Min Ha | 52 | Fashion Designer | strict, caring, motherly
๑ Older Brother | No Min Woo | 27 | Actor | talented, hardworking, passionate

Best Friends: 
๑ Choi Hansol | 16 | Idol, SEVENTEEN | humble, funny, trustworthy

๑ Jason Choi | 15 | Student
Amber Liu | 21 | Idol, f(X)
๑ Kim Jongin | 19 | Idol, EXO
๑ JungKook | 16 | Idol, BTS
๑  Taehyung17 | Idol, BTS
๑ Sehun | 19 | Idol, EXO



Love Interest: Jeon Wonwoo
What can be said about Wonwoo? He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with Wonwoo is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, Wonwoo can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him.  
How you met: Minsoo met Wonwoo when she was still a trainee. She used to see him every single say at the same hour in the practice room, sometimes alone. What made her want to approach him, was not only his determination but the way he seemed to love music. Slowly and day by day, she would sat near the door and see him practing, or sometimes just listening his heavy breath. The first time she spoke to him, was in a rainy day. Wonwoo was once again, alone in the dance practice, practicing a song that Yanmei loved. She slowly stepped inside of the room and started to sing along! For her surprise, he didn't stop, he continued to sing, looking at her through the mirror. When they both locked eyes, they started to laugh and Minsoo felt really, really good. 
"You sing really well, that's my favourite song." She said. "Mine too, it's so..." "PERFECT." both of them said at the same time. That was a meeting that she will never forget!

Interaction: They can't say that they are dating, because they are not. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. Wonwoo does everything for Minsoo, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her.
Relationship: Crushing
Backup: Kim Mingyu



Love Rival: Kim Taehyung | V
Calm and soft, that's how everybody would describe him. Out of stage, V seems always like he is in his own world, is not a loud person and seems very innocent and pure. However, when he his on stage, a wild V appears, what makes all the fangirls go crazy. He likes to eat a lot and he is with no doubt a 4D dork. Near him people can't keep a straight face, because he is so funny that will make everyboy laugh. He is a bad liar, whenever he lies people can tell by his sweaty hands and weird laughs. 
How you met: They were on the same school but never really decided to get to know each other better. He used to bully her in a playfull way and it was the big cause why he was sent to the principal office. Minsoo and Taehyun also were in a lot of troubles in school for fighting countless times and they were in the detention room almost once a week. 
They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. When BTS debuted, Minsoo was the very first person to be hugged by Taehyung. She was training and he just came running to her and hugged her tightly once he had the chance to go to the SM building. Minsoo is always there to compliment him, to say how special he is, and how he doesn't need to change to be loved, because she already likes him the way he is, and for her, he is the most amazing boy on earth. 
Relationship: close friends
Backup: Kim Jongin



Rival: Kang Mirae (OC)
Personality: She is a trainee under SM! 
Mirae is not a bad girl, she just wants attention. She is still really young, talented, hardworking and self-centered. She wants to be number one in everything and doesn't thinks twice when it comes to do everything she can to stay always in number one position. She has a warm side, but she just shows it to the ones she feels comfortable with.
Why are you rival: V, V, V. That's the only reason even though it's completely stupid. Minsoo and V are friends since God knows how long and Mirae is jealous of something she can't have no matter what. It started slowly, nothing big and just small fights between the two toddlers but things became worse each day. Mirae is ambitious and she just can't accept the fact that Minsoo has a good relationship with V because that's what she wanted the most and he doesn't give her opportunities to even become close with him.
Interaction: People think they hate each other because they are always fighting! But in fact those fights aren't real, they are very playfull with each other and just tease each other a lot. When Minsoo was a trainee, she would always play pranks on Mirae, making her slip during practice, making her arrive late at dance lessons and vice versa. People really thought they were enemies, but occasionally, they would hug each other and smile at one another!
Backup: Hyomin

Stage name: Bella
Persona: Untouchable Beauty - fans think she has a pure and beautiful image.
Personal fanclub name: Diamonds
Personal fanclub color:
How you enter: She did an audition to become an actress!
Trainee years: 2 years
Trainee life: To be honest if she could just explain it with one word she would say: normal. It wasn't something extraordinary, in fact it was just normal. She had good friends and the routine would be the same every single day, waking up early, going to the dance practice before going to school, going to school and study hard, coming back to the SM building, training for more than 14 hours sometimes without stopping, going to sleep at 3a.m almost every single night and needing to wake up at 6a.m to go to school and repeat the same routine. She was maybe a bit more famous in the company because of her brother, and she admits that some of the girls and boys approached her to get a chance to meet the almighty No Minwoo. Everyone was friendly to her, she had good times and harsh ones, she thought about giving up a lot of times. She heard many bad comments from her mentors, but she knows it was just to help her to get through the hard world of fame. She was able to debut due her hardwork and help of her sunbaes and many friends of hers. 

Official Sub Unit: Immortal | Eternal | Endless
Sub group:

Soloist 1
Soloist 2
Soloist 3

✣ 1st Main Vocalist
✣ 2nd Main Vocalist
✣ 1st Lead Dancer, Vocalist
✣ 2nd Lead Rapper, Vocalist
✣ Triple Threat
✣ 1st Main Rapper
✣ 1st Lead Vocalist
✣ 2nd Triple Threat
✣ 2nd Main Rapper
✣ 2nd Lead Dancer, Vocalist
✣ 2nd Lead Vocalist
✣ 2nd Main Dancer, Rapper
✣ 1st Main Dancer, Vocalist
✣ 3rd Triple Threat
✣ 3rd Lead Dancer, Vocalist
✣ 4th Triple Threat
✣ Lead Vocalist 
Talking twin: Ailee
Singing twin: Ailee
Dancing twin: BoA
Rapping twin: -not a rapper-

Comment/Remarks: I hope you like her <3
Suggestion: Immortal Songs, Running Man, They Own Variety Show (17Girls TV), Hello Counselour, Happy Together, Weekly Idol, Romantic and the Idol, Dream Team
Scene request: Minsoo and Wonwoo go to a interview together and without noticing he kinda confessed to her!
Hansol and Minsoo play pranks on Seventeen and 7teen Girls during a sleepover party.
Spin the bottle with SEVENTEEN!

Do you mind if I change something:  Go ahead (:


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