[PERSONAL] Myungsoo Daeyeon Official Statement

Okay so it's chaos everywhere. Tumblr. Twitter. And this is what I'm thinking about the whole situation.

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I agree with you! I honestly didn't know about this until two days ago -.- Ive been busy. Lol but I think it's immature of the fans that did things to her. What do you earn or get from doing that? Other than showing a bad image not only for yourself but for the group. Cus after all it's like we represent Infinite. I will forget support Myungsoo and infinite and Woollim~ No matter what. I don't mind if L is dating, tbh he is a human being with feelings that can't be helped. Plus if he's happy so am I. Everyone needs love~
-sm17e #2
woah i must be really behind on the times...