Tagged by 'Samcup'.


Rule 1: Post the rules.

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3: Tag 11 random people and link them to the post.

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.




1. What's your favorite school subject and why?

- My favorite school subject would have to be English. I have a passion for writing stories, and reading. 

2. Where do you live?

- In the USA ~

3. What's your favorite candy?

I'm not really the type to eat candy, but if I had to choose, anything chocolate. >u<

4. Who is your ultimate bias? How long have they been your bias?

I can't really decide on an 'ultimate bias', yet. I just love all the members of EXO, so it's pretty difficult. 

5. What is your favorite feature on your body?

I'm not really sure oAo. Probably, my hair. I like how it's long *^*

6. What was the last dream you remember having?

Hmm..., I used to write all the dreams I had down, but I stopped. I remember one where I was trying to run away from vampires. xD

7. Have you ever traveled to a different country?

NO! I want too. All my siblings have, and I'm like seriously jealous.

8. What genres do you like reading?

Anything, and everything! I'm a book freak~ But, the ones I adore the most would probably have to be the fantasy/supernatural type.

9. List your top 5 biases.

1. Luhan

2. Kris

3. Lay

4. Chen

5. Sehun

(All my biases be from EXO. LOL XD It's so hard to choose ;w;)

10. A fanfic you are currently in love with?

There's been a lot I've read recently, so I can't really remember one. owo

11. Your bias group?

EXO. If you can't tell. Pshh. Where you be living at? XD



11 new questions.

1. If you could be anything you want, what will you become?

2. How did you learn about k-pop?

3. The first time you go to South Korea, what's the first thing you will do?

4. What hobbies do you do?

5. Bias group, and their favorite song?

6. If randomly your school/job starts playing your favorite k-pop song, what will you do?

7. If you ever meet your bias group in real life, what would your actions be towards them?

8. Any k-pop group you dislike?

9. Your first k-pop song?

10. What fanfic are you interested in now?

11. Favorite author on AF?




7anin_the_en  YourChingu-ah  benbenkrissy 

thekpopcookie  MrsMoon360 BeautifulColor  sparksfly9614  UBombN  Anonymous124  Daehyunsonlywife  


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uhh why me i know im a random person and all but why