Should I post a novel I wrote for a school project?

My final year project was a novel. it's not based on any idol and all the characters are original. My current fanfic, "I will fight for your happiness" actually has bits and pieces of the novel in it. It's heavily based on Angels and I wrote it a couple years back so it might sound a bit twilighty. Actually I didnt mean for it to sound that way but thats just how it sounded in the end. Unfortunatly :( Especially since the angels I'm talking about in the novel do possess traits that are normally chatogorized as vampire traits. I really had to do a bit of reserch into angels to write it haha. 

Question is if i should post it or not. Maybe after I'm done with "IWFFYH" hmmm


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If you want to, go ahead and do it.
You can always sub in idol names if you want to.