Few posters I did using Pixlr editor

So,it's holidays here in Malaysia and I seriously don't have anything to do. Like seriously, I'm so bored. All I did is sitting and hurt my own shoulders and my back -,- .I've decided to start learning to use the pixlr editor (since my Photoshop isn't working.demmit) So,here's some of the graphics I did (in particular order).

alert : miso pairings ahead (mostly Krei)

First attempt in using pixlr. Featuring LayJia. woot!

Krei you guys. Can you hear me crying? lol

Krei again :'D

HanMin, anyone? LOL

Random KyungBaekZy pairings edit that I made for a request from my Twitter friend.

And here comes the latest.

You don't know how much I ship this crackship .


Krei ; u ; 

Lol okay that's all. I want to know what do you think about my graphics. So leave some comments? :3

Credits for the textures,tutorials and renders to the rightful owners.

(I took out from many resources that I forgot where I took them.lol)


Please do not steal my artworks ! 


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Cantiknyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! :D