
just cos of i really cant seem to make myself work..

1. which of your relatives do you get along with the most? mum
2. What was your first job? never had one
3. did anything embarrassing happen this week? yes cos I couldnt understand my tutor's jokes.
4. do you miss your ex? no
5. white chocolate or dark chocolate? dark
6. do people praise you for your looks? no..
7. what is your favorite color of clothing to wear? black
8. how do you wear your makeup? dont use makeup. 
9. what are some of your nicknames? most ppl just call me my name
10. how many bedrooms are in your house?  3
11. how many bathrooms? 3
12. do you have a car? dont even have drivers license 
13. do you work out every week? say no to muscles lol
14. Did you brush your teeth this morning? yes
15. have you ever kissed someone you never saw again? no
16. have you ever sung in front of a crowd? NO
17. what kind of bathing suit do you wear? huh?
18. do you like your eyes? not really. i think they're getting smaller fk
19. do you think you are pretty? nup
20. who was the last person you talked to in person? dad
21. how much money is in your account? secret keke ..but im poor
22. are you single? yes
23. do you want kids? maybe 1. but, im not desperate to have children. 
24. tell me what your backpack looks like? medium sized?
25. what celebrity do you think is hot? NO MINWOO, choi sooyoung, lee kiseop, etc. cant think from the top of my head.. 
26. last movie you saw in theaters:  in the cinemas i think it was despicable me 2
27. are you dating the same person you dated last year? no.
28. has someone you were dating ever cheated on you? no
29. have you ever cheated? no
30: have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?: no. why J? Jonghyun?
31: What do you like to do in your spare time? blasting music, tumblring, sleep
32: What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you? uh......
33: Who was the last person you texted? my tutor
34: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? none
35: How do you look right now? terrible 
36: Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”?
lets not mention it. i have confused feelings. 
37: Do you like sugar/sweet things? chocolate related yes. candies not so much.
38: Last time you were surprised? yesterday when i saw my gif folder of the person for the question below.
39: Tell about your crush. my current 'crush' is my baby princess, Lee Hyeri >///< shes freaking cute and pretty, I cant stop thinking about her. I go to school and beg time to go faster so I can go home and see her LOL. um...she's......I CANT PUT IT INTO WORDS COS SHES SO PERFECT NOT REALLY BUT ASDFGHKL; PERFECT ENOUGH FOR ME. She makes me happy when she's all crazy. cute maknae. y maknae. I dont know, just...*melts* 
I'm looking for a good fanbase on twitter but I can't find one cos they're either not in english or inactive, cos well, theyre not that popular. but i like it that way.
and in maybe a months time, there'll be 2 results of this phase: 1. They've become my 3rd bias group. 2. I'm over with them and spazzing someone else. 
srsly dying to hope its gonna be 1 but I feel like it'll be 2. either way, I'm just gonna enjoy my time 'crushing' on this woman cos I LOVE HER
I blabbed on so much gdi. 


40: Last thing you learned about a friend? so apparently we have a common frustration for another 'friend'
41: Last person you hugged? a friend
42: Three things, physical or mental, you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend? warm personality, slim face, shows their natural side rather than using pickup lines and .
43: Last movie to make you cry? i dont rmb the last time crying in a movie
44: Cutest thing you’ve ever seen? lee hyeri
45: If you could have any color hair with repercussions, what color would you choose? black with silver/red stripes
46: How easily do you anger? it also depends on who it is. there are some i can never stay angry at while others fairly easily.
47: What is your morning ritual? lie in bed with my phone for another hr
48: Describe your personality in three word or less? soft hearted? LOLOLOL it depends on how much u mean to me. i can be the test person if i dont like u.


ok. back to spazzing over hyeri. 



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