
Congratulations to the groups/solo artists who've won today! \o/ I was a little bit disappointed but still, I'm happy because my favorite groups won too!!! <3

And also, to those fans who keep on blaming EXO, I don't really see your point. Blaming EXO is just so rude. EXO won because they deserve it too. Some of you may think that they don't deserve it 1) because you're not in the fandom - and maybe you've never checked the number of albums they've sold 2) maybe because you guys are just SO BITTER of them. 

If you're gonna blame EXO then I'm judging you so hard! WHY BLAME EXO IF THEY DIDN'T EVEN PLAN ABOUT THIS HUH? you guys are so freaking bitter and immature and ugh so narrow minded. if you're going to blame someone/people BE SURE TO BLAME THE RIGHT ONE not the innocent ones.


Congratulations babies! \o/



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