♚ the troublemakers | application form | Jung Dambi

What was rule no. six?


                                                         Jung Dambi  |  the hot-tempered one

username: -farewell-

activeness: 9-10


student's profile.

name: Jung Dambi

nickname: Bambi - there's not an special meaning to this, it's just a cute name that her parents used to call her when she was a kid because sounds like Dambi

age:  19

birthdate: January 14th 1994

height: 166cm

weight: 50kg

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Native Korean, Fluent English and Advanced Mandarin



faceclaim: Park Sora


back-up faceclaim: Jung Minhee


any tatoos, birthmarks or scars etc: birthmark on her waist with a shape of a butterfly


all about you.

personality: Beautiful, Popular Fashionable and a . Just a few words that come to mind about Dambi. To those that don't know her, she's the it girl. The girl everyone wants to be. The girl that has everything. To the few people Dambi has ever opened to, she's a kind and loyal friend. She can be the most caring friend someone can have but as soon as you stab her in the back, she'll turn around just as fast and stab you ten times harder. She's brutal to people she dislikes, and won't stop at anything to get revenge. She's unapproachable and quite rude. People either love or fear her, and that's how she keeps her 'ice princess' image. She doesn't need a lot of reasons to dislike someone, she just decides it. She looks at someone and be like 'I will start to dislike you from now on.' and then you are already on her black list. 

She is a control freak, when she was younger it was the little things. If someone touched her food she wouldn't eat it. Her hair had to be brushed one hundred times before going to bed. As she grew, the little things subsided, but that's only because she had bigger things to worry about. If she heard one bad rumor about herself, she took it upon herself to track the rumor back to its source and ruin that person's life. However, Dambi has those rare times where she is a cutie, full of aegyo, clinging to others and being a not-so-cold-teenager. It only has a short duration because she turns back to her normal self. Bipolar, a two-faced , Dambi also likes to act like a spoiled baby that needs to have everything she still doesn't have. She even tries to be nice, but more times than not, her conceitedness shows through, offending others. Her favourite topics are money and herself. She is a bit laid-back and waits for things to happen. She's mastered the art of seduction, and with a few whispered words he can get any boy in bed. 
With a big ego and a big confidence in herself, Dambi also likes to call bad or ugly names to those she doesn't exactly cares about, and her mother always says that she needs to change it because a lady doesn't talk the way she does, some examples might be: , , poop head...and so on.
She is not worth your trust, becaus she can't keep a secret, and normally she will turn your secrets into a rumor that will run through the school walls and you will be the clown of the school for the rest of your life. She can't keep a relationship and doesn't want others to keep one either. Yes, she likes to play with boys that are already taken and then play the role of the bestfriend that is there to help the girl that got cheated, but as soon as she turns her back, she will laugh about your pathetic figure. Buy her any expensive clothes or objects and she will fall at your feet, treat you like a king and do everything for you, but don't try to make her a fool, because the game might be painful (literally).

persona: malicious queen / the hot tempered one


- blood
- voodoo dolls
- pain
- rainy days
- skinship
- snow
- horses
- horror movies
- dark

- aegyo
- bright colors
- sand
- bugs
- romantic stories
- drugs
- violence
- guns

- biting her nails
- scratching her own skin when she is mad
- rolling her eyes
- biting her lips
- procrastinating

- agyrophobia (fear of crossing the streets alone)
- future
- dying young

- she started to like voodoo dolls because they were a good way to hurt others, but soon she started to collect them just because at her eyes they were beautiful
- she likes blood, just because of the color, she hate feeling it in her skin
- when she was a kid, she was very cute and loved to act like a princess
- she often talks to herself and laughs a lot when sees her reflection in the mirror
- she is very clumsy
- doesn't want to make friends because friends can be our wrost enemies when they know too much about us
- she has a sadistic behavior
- she already did a voodoo doll of herself.
- she loves her parents, they are the most precious things to her
- she loves to play pranks on people
- she is the only child
- she took ballet classes in the third grade
- she is the jealous type
- she would never kill a human being
- she is blunt and bossy


family background: Dambi 's parents separated very messily during a New Year’s Eve party when their daughter was a toddler. When she woke up on New Year’s Day to find her mom throwing her dad’s clothes out on to the lawn, it was clear that this year really would be a new beginning. From then on, she spent half the week with her mom, and the other half with her dad. Her parents worried that their separation might have damaged their young girl, but Dambi found ways to make the best of the situation; she quickly learned how to play her parents off against each other, and turn their feelings of guilt in to expensive toys and days out. Her life surely wasn't easy before, her mother was just a 17 year old girl when she found out she was pregnant. Her father was also a 18 year old boy that didn't wanted a kid to mess up with his life. Even though none of them was expecting it, they decided to raise the baby the best they could. Her father tried to find a job while her mother would stay home with Dambi.

Luckily, Dambi's grandfather was a big help to the two teenagers and found a job to both of them, in his fashion company. Even though Dambi was born to young and still immature parents, she always had the best things available to her, the best clothes, the best toys and the best educational systems. Dambi always attracted a lot of fake friends. People would be nice to her, telling her how pretty she was...but they were all pretty rude when her back was turned. She was both the most liked and the most disliked girl. Her so-called friends would comment nasty things about her in the school corridors, spreading rumors and later, the bullying thing started. Publicly, Dambi pretended not to care about what people thought of her, but when she was alone it was difficult not to cry. All this changed her to the worst, she saw herself being rude to her parents, blaming them for all the bad things that were happening to her, running away from home, writting letters with suicidal thoughts. Dambi started to become a not-so-normal teenager at the age of 17 when her mother found a voodoo doll under her bed with a few names on it. Her parents tried to find any help they could, but Dambi would always run away when it was time to go to the doctor. Broken, angry and looking for revenge, the best thing to do for her was sending her to a place where she couldn't dominate, but being dominated.

family members;

Jung Minho | Father | 39 | they used to have a good relationship, sometimes they fight over stupid things but it's because their personality is somehow alike. | alive

Kim Hana | Mother | 38 |  They get along pretty well. Sometimes they don't act like mother and daughter but more like bestfriends, in the past they used to fight all the time | alive



love is in the air.

                                 ❝but how long can it stay?

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partner: Han Sanghyuk, Hyuk

how you met: Unlike Dambi, Hyuk doesn't have a dark personality. In fact he is very bubbly and always sees the good side of the situation. He is very caring and likes to help others. The only reason he is in this dark place, is because he has this somewhat bipolar disorder that turns him into a violent monster.
They met each other in a rainy day when Dambi was throwing away all her voodoo dolls. Hyuk was also doing the same to his own dolls and Dambi thought he was beautiful once she laid her eyes on him, she never met someone with such beautiful lips, soft eyes and pure smile like Hyuk! He started to speak to her and it was pretty new to Dambi because nobody would approach her first, but he did. They became closer and closer and started to help one another to get over their bad sides! Even if Hyuk is younger than Dambi, she sees Hyuk as a man and not like a kid.

back-up: Lee Jaehwan, Ken

how you met: (same as above).



anything else?: Good luck with you fic, I hope you like her!

password: all of me loves all of you <3




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