shame on my mum

I asked my mommy could I stay home and she said no what for? I said I don't feel like going to school (I dont want my report card at all xD I'm probably failing anyways cuz my teachers don't know how to teach. Retarted es) she said are you suspended? I had to just stop and giver her the 'come on mom. What do I look like' face and said no. She told me to get dressed and so I went in my closet looking for something to hide my cuts and I was putting pants on til 'that woman' came in and asked is someone trying to fight me. I gave her the 'are you serious right now' look and said no I don't wanna go that's all mommy.


Does she think I wanna skip school cuz I'm in trouble. Smh. Poor mommy. She's clueless


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I wouldn't even ever think of cutting class girl. 7 classes, 4 honors and I'm in a program for the top freshmans in school so pretty stressful. And cutting school? OHOHO asian parents yo. lol. plus, if i cut one day of class, I'm looking forward to a ton of piling up o u o but my teachers are pretty fun so i guess I'm lucky.
I got my quarter report like a dew days ago. 5 A's and 2 B's. pretty bummed about the B's ya know. Might as well get used to it. Honors classes are hard as . not to mention I'm taking math higher than my grade level should be.
the stress man the stress. I'm stressing over stressing. OTL
I don't wanna sound insensitive but what cuts?!

And yeah, I agree. A few days ago, we got our reports too^^
My parents won't take anything less than an A. I got 1 C, 2-3 Bs and 3-4 As! I hid my report XD It's not like it was my fault - the teachers can't teach because they're too busy trying to control the other pupils D:
YeoboBlood #3
i got to stay home today! :p
LovesAsianDrama #4
I remember those days. And my mother always said "NOPE" and I walked away no questions asked. Now that I have 3 of my own, the rule is unless there is broken bones, profuse bleeding or they are in danger of hurting someone (I know my children LOL) & no school doesn't get missed. Sorry not in my house, not for something like that.

So I understand why your mother asked what she asked and why. And you need to talk to her.
thats just ed up.our report cards are comming out today too
AptonKey #6
School is starting to become a pain