Blargh. I have upcoming tests and other crap

Urgh, as of right now, I shouldn't even be on here. But yeah, I'm here. xD

Anyways, I haven't updated "IGMtaI" since recently and for the next three weeks, I have, am and will be studying for my tests. I'm now doing my last year of highschool so everything is over the top and there is just so so so so so so so so so so... much work.

I have been typing up the chapter, just in little portions every now and then which is why I have been slow to update. I jsut have so much going on at the same time and it's just... yuck.

So, I'm sure a lot of you probably understand what I feel like right now. Not enough sleep, too much studying, feeling as if I can't cram any more information into my head. etc. Studying for tests is hard work + procastination in between. Haha...

You try doing a 5 minute speech analysis on how Emily Dickinson's poetry and the Life of Pi show belonging with identity and the wider world... or something like that. Ew. English. And then there's ancient history which requires a lot of memorising and everything. And maths. And freaking Chemistry. And Biology. and Legal Studies. And and and... blah.

I have too much work.

This isn't an excuse though, just stating the fact that I have study to do and that takes priority over fanfics, so you guys, thanks for waiting and not coming to complain on my doorstep on how extremely slow I am at updating~ ^^ Thank you! This is why I love all my subscribers, you lovely people! :D

Enjoy your weekend - unlike me - and I may update a chappie of "IGMtaI"~ ^^

Le Byeee~ Muah :3


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