Tagged by exolunaticshipper

1. Post the rules

2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones.

3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule.

4. Let them know you've tagged them.


My Answers.

1. Who is your ultimate bias?

Jun.K of 2PM ^_^


2.   If you had to choose one kpop boy group to meet, who would it be?

Honestly, I thought I would pick EXO for this answer, but if I could only pick ONE, it would be Super Junior :)


3.  If you had to choose one kpop girl group to meet, who would it be?

f(x) definitely, Amber seems so nice :D



4. Who is the greatest influence as a singer/dancer/actor?

Ugh, such a difficult question, but G-Dragon would have to be it. He's is a genius in the music industry.


5.  What was the first album you ever got?

Henry ^_^ his Trap album was the first.


6.  You have ten seconds to talk to your ultimate bias, what do you say?

And I would say this in a heartbeat; "Jun.K, marry me. hha jkjk dude, but you are pretty awesome. You're music is amazing and I definitely feel Alive with it. I hope you live your dream how you want it! " (I would like to be that legit fan)


7.  What is the first ever concert you ever went/would like to go to?

I would love to go to a EXO concert, I know every song of there's and I could just sing along throughout the whole time <3


8.  Is there any boy group you don't like?

I cannot think of any boy group that I have listened to and have not liked them. But if I had to choose one of my least favorite, it would be Boyfriend..


9.  Is there any girl group you don't like?

Crayon Pop, not a big fan.


10.  What is your favorite Kpop song?

It changes quite a bit, but I never get tired of Don't Go- EXO (Chinese vers.)


11.  What is your least favorite Kpop song?

Sunshine- RAINBOW , I got annoyed by it easily, I dunno why.


Hmmmmmm WHo Shall I tag?

exokaister (my lovely Malaysia friend who has had the longest conversation in the world with me!)








panda-_-  (my lovely Jun.K lover like me! :D)


ExoticBabyBunny (ran out of friends I wanted to tag so I found this person randomly xD)



Now here are my questions for you guys!!

1. How long have you been listening to Kpop?

2. Did Kpop change your life, if so, how so?

3. What would you like to do as a perfect date with your ultimate bias?

4. BESIDES your ultimate bias, who do you fangirl about?

5. Have you done something embarrasing involving Kpop in public?

6. What is the song that got  you into Kpop?

7. Do you share your Kpop life with NonKpoppers?

8. If you could pick one group, would you spend a whole day with?

9. You, your ultimate bias, are stuck in a elevator together, what do you do?

10. Is there an artist that you dislike?

11. Do you think you will listen to Kpop for the rest of your life?




This was so much fun!!




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