
I love singing perhaps more than anything. When my parents are gone, I ALWAYS run around the house and sing my favorite songs and learn some more but.. today I made some recordings as I wanted to hear if I've improved. And I must say- I sing like a truck driver. OTL

Maybe I need to start recording with my camera, instead of the ty webcam I have, but that wouldn't matter, right? 

If I can't even sing the way I would like, then I doubt there even exist something I'm good at >_<

Thank you, if you read this, though I'm not surprised if no one did. After all, people have their own problems and they just don't care.  



The strong ones are always at the front, with people surrounding them and following their footsteps. They never look back, as they have set their goals and are not willing to stop. The weak ones are left behind, until they collapse, leaving behind nothing but a body that soon turns do dust and dulled memories. Eventually, the cold wind takes them both with it. And no one remembers. No one. 


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*hugs* <3