About Me + KPOP Pt. 4 !


Tagged by beragon1821 

So here's a few questions again that tell you a little about myself & kpop !

1. Who is your ultimate bias?

B.A.P's Jung Daehyun !

2. What will you do if your bias suddenly visits you at home?

I'd be really nervous and jittery, then I'd invite him in and stare at him for a bit before I give them food 

3. If you're going to have a chance to go to Korea, what entertainment company you'll visit first? why?

I'd visit SM Entertainment first, because a majority of the artists I like are from SM. But it's a really big tie between SM & TS Entertainment.

4. What song will you perform if you'll going to audition to a entertainment company?

Definitely a ballad, something by K.Will ( Please Don't) or Davichi.

5. What If you're in a relationship with an idol and you have to choose between him/her and your career, what will you choose? why?

In the long run, I'd probably choose my career. Relationships come and go, but careers are a necessity. Even though I love Daehyun & Sehun, I don't think I'd choose them over my career. 

6. What if you're going to be your favorite kpop group's manager for a day, what will you do?

Since I'm from Australia, I'd take them interesting places to visit + have a really relaxing day ! 

7. Who is your favorite kpop boy group? why?

My favourite kpop boy group is B.A.P, because they were such a fresh group and their concepts are so amazing. I love every song they have produced so far !

8. Who is your favorite kpop girl group? why?

My favourite kpop girl groups is Davichi, I love love love listening to ballads, especially artists who have really strong voices. So Davichi :)

9. What specific place in Korea do you want to spend your date with your bias? Why?

Probably Lotte World, because amusement parks are always fun and we can be ultra silly for a day :)

10. Will you ever do anything for your bias, even if risking your own life?

I'd defend my bias if anything bad happens to him. But I won't risk my life for him. 




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