➸ PROJECT ASTRAL ↘ Shiraishi Mai



username :mirukii
nickname :miru
activeness :10

ulzzang used :Chen Yue
backup ulzzang :Park Ji Hyun

height : 163cm
weight : 46.5kg
appearance : Mai wears different contact lenses but mainly wears brown lenses,she has a small bird tatoo on her left ear,has very long hair and mostly wears bangs that covers her eyes,doesn't wear heavy makeup but only puts on a little,has two ear piercings on her left too,doesn't put her hair in a pony tail
style : She may look like the girly girl type but doesn't like to dress that way,she mostly wears short shorts and baggy sweatshirts orT-shirts,loves to wear denim skinny jeans and some comfy sneakers,she only wears skirts and dresses if she's forced too.



character name : Shiraishi Mai
nickname(s) : none
age :16
date of birth : 13/07/1997
place of birth : Tokyo,Japan
hometown : Akihabara,Tokyo
ethnicity : Japanese-American
languages spoken : English(fluent),Japanese(fluent)

bloodtype : O+
personality traits : Calm,selfish,power hungry
personality : Mai doesn't mean to come off as a aloof person,she's just bored.She can lose interest easily in a converstation and sometimes just walk off when you're still talking,if she actually listened maybe she'd give you a good 2 or 5 minutes before ignoring you,she likes to observe people and just watch what they're doing....not like creeper status....Mai has a unusual want of  being in control of everything and doesn't like it if anybody got in her way.She can be very ungrateful and easily become annoyed,she only does favors unless she gets something back in return.

When Mai is actually happy she'll change from the ugly person she is to a good person,she'd smile all day almost showing her gums and when people talk to her she'd stay and stick to you like glueand can be very very clingy.But when she's actually wants to talk to others she would talk about herself and go on not caring if she's about to be slapped if she made any rude remarks to the other.Sharing feelings hasn't been the easiest thing for Mai and tends to be a loner not wanting to share what's on her mind,there's only some days when she's very calm and is in the mood to be nice which can be hard for her since she only thinks of  herself as a plain person.

trivia :

  • likes pastel colors
  • Likes Baggy sweatshirts and cool hats
  • likes planting flowers
  • likes stuffed animals
  • has a hat collection
  • likes playing video games
  • likes pestering people
  • use to be a sasaeng fan

background : 1 or more paragraphs

relation : name : age : occupation : personality traits : interaction 

relation : name : age : occupation : personality traits : interaction
relation : name : age : occupation : personality traits : interaction
[ ctrl+shift+enter to add more lines. copy&paste more if  needed ]

relation : name : age : occupation : personality traits : interaction 
relation : name : age : occupation : personality traits : interaction
relation : name : age : occupation : personality traits : interaction
[ change relation to what they are to your character eg: cousin, bestfriend, classmate, workmate and such. max 3 ]

change gif above to your love interest.
keep the width at 160px
keep the height fixed at all times

love interest : last name, first name
age :
date of birth :
occupation :

personality : be descriptive
interaction : explain their interaction, be descriptive
reason : explain why they like him
how they met / meet : explain one, delete the other

backup love interest :

rival / love rival : last name, first name
age :
date of birth :
occupation :

personality : be descriptive
interaction : explain their interaction, be descriptive
reason : explain why they are rivals or love rivals
how they met / meet : explain one, delete the other

backup rival / love rival :

[ answer these questions in your characters pov. not your own ]

what company are you currently under? : 
ahh, so how long have you been training there for? :

do you mind demonstrating your talent? : vocal / dance / rap
[ choose only one, bold it and hyperlink to an idol claim that fits the position }

who do you look up to? :
what do you see yourself doing in 10 years time? :
what are your thoughts on project astral? :
are you confident in your abilities as an idol? :

thank you for answering our questions :

questions, comments and concerns :
scene requests :
scene suggestions :
song suggestions :
extra :



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