11 questions #2~

PS. TY 4 DA TAGGEU ^^ iRawrxXxLove~i felt like doing this again cuz it's pretty fun xD

PPS. I AM SHURREY I DIDNT MAKE THIS ONE FANCY! I was running out of time D8


Rule 1: Post the rules.

Rule 2: Answer all of the questions the tag asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3: Tag the people and link them to the post.

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.


1. If someone offended your favorite Kpop group, what would you do?


2. How would your react if your friend told you his/her bias was your bias?


3. Bad Boy, Sporty Boy, or Cute Boy? ^^

Cute Boy = Cute Nerd = Taeil ㅋㅋㅋ~

4. Do you like K-dramas?

Yesh. I . LIKE. IT. VERY. MUCH. <3

5. Who is your ultimate bias and what's one thing you love about him/her?

I can't choose one.. )8 soz ill choose a random favorite of mine... RAVI! FROM VIXX! What I love about him...his raps <3 and when he raps ^^ (would've done Channie #1 bias in EXO but it's k ill do Ravi this time!)

6. How would you describe yourself? (Besides your name >.>)

Heh...alot of things, good, bad, annoying, bubbly, shy (at times), crazy meg, welp. alot of stuff xD

7. If you could live in ONE K-Drama, which one would it be?

DERR TTBY (To The Beautiful You) ㅋㅋㅋ~ i ain't a . sthap D8

8. Favorite guy group and favorite girl group?

NOOOOOO. MORE FAVS... ono err.. Bigbang and GG i guess EHL OH EHL. (first groups i listened to)

9. Do you think Kpop interferes with school or school interferes with Kpop?

SCHOOL. INTERFERES WITH KPOP. but i still get to listen to it at class soz.. npnp ^^

10. Ideal type of guy?

CHANYEOL, RAVI, LEO, HOYA, SUHO (he has no anger issues at all :3), ZELO DA JELLO, Onew (jsut like me xD addicted to chicken & clumseeh), LAY, HEECHUL, SEUNGRI, MIXED TOGETHER. idk how dats gonna work out ehl oh ehl.

11. Rank all of the EXO members from 1-12 based on appearance! (not personality)

Chanyeol, Lay, Sehun, Kai, Suho, Kris, Xiumin (im srry minmin >.<), Baekhyun, Chen, D.O, Tao, Luhan (DONT KILL ME. jk u can ^^ but i'll assisinate you when you try to get meh ㅋㅋㅋ~)


1. What do you think about girl groups?

2. Name/state top 3 favorite guy groups

3. If you had a chance to become an idol which entertainment would you go in?

4. Have you ever heard of BlockB? Favorite song?

5. Super Junior or Bigbang?


7. Who's your UB?

8. If you had a choice to go VIP backstage or sing with your bias which was one would you choose?

 9.Cheesecale? or Cherry Tomatoes?

10. DO you have anything in common with your bias?

11. Mama era or Wolf?

Well..that's it! ^^ To anyone who is reading this! You can do thi just mssg me if you do! ^^ 



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