
So I've been busy that I can't even get in touch with aff nor twitter ORZ

I really need a space to breath, this college life is exhausting. I'm in my second year, but this semester seems so hard to do with a lot of things to do, I don't even have enough time just get a ME time TT TT

I'm prolly just tired and home sick, I'm living far away from home, from my parents, from my besties, from my little bastard brother. But I'm seriously missing them so bad.

I just need to hang on till the end of the year then I'll be back home for holiday, but it seems take so long till December TT

I have no updates from Eunhae, or Heenim or anything related to kpop.

It feels like I have something to cheer me on T T



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where do you study? :O
REDJae #2
Ohh!! I know exactly how you feels! Coz I'm in my second year too and now I'm just so stressed out because of exam. Cheer up kay! We can do it! Just one month more!
Oh! Hae upload a photo of EunHae wearing the same jacket. Hihi. Hwiting!!
You didn't hear about 131118 Eunhae? Donghae drove with Hyukjae as a passenger to taco. When they got there, Hyukjae warmly hugged Donghae's omma~
whoa i know that suffocating (?) periods T.T
just a month to go ! hwaiting ! i'll wait for your silly-eunhae-fics update :D