Of Author Notes and Ramblings #11

So yeah, I just updated my story "Addiction." The story is actually at a point where I could just end it right now, but I kinda wanna mess with my readers a bit more before I finally end the story. I actually have a lot of stuff planned to happen before I bring the fic to a close. I'm also thinking about having some of the China line members make a few cameos, you know, just for fun. Maybe have a filler chapter with Tao being a or something, just something for laughs. I probably shouldn't focus too much on side characters though, because I do still have to bring Hoya back into the story. He's for sure gonna make a reappearance in chapter eleven. I don't really have much room in the plot left to keep leaving him off to the side, so I kinda have to bring him back in. I mean I could just alter the plot again, but then I'd be prolonging the story even more. Unlike someone people, I don't believe in having hella long 72 chapter stories. Hell! I consider anything over 25 chapters to be too long. 

Anyway, I was reading the comments for the latest chapter, and I couldn't but laugh a bit. I'm not laughing at my readers, but at the fact that no one is gonna see what's coming. Since none of them read my blog posts, none of them will probably give chapter 10 a second read to figure out the secret. It's nothing major, but it's probably mess with a few people's feels and OTPs. I can't wait to see their reactions. Though, by the time I update again, they'll have probably forgotten what happened in the previous chapter (considering it took me 4 months to update). I've been so caught up in with other stuff (and this stupid face named Yun... jk, I love him) that I never really have the time to write. Eh, whatever.


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Elayasia #1
TT^TT Your a bully. Stop picking on us reader. I read your blog post. :P