☾ Pledis First Coed Group ☾Application

Username: grimreaperoftime

Activeness (1-10): 8-9
What you want us to call you: Jen?



About Your Character 

*change to your ulzzang gif, and replace this with ulzzang name*
Name: Jin Jin
Stage Name: Riku
Age: 18
Birthdate: February 18, 1995
Height: 162cm
Weight: 56kg
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Ethnicity: Korean/Japanese
Languages: Japanese, Korean, and English


How is she/he like?

*change gif to back up ulzzang, replace this with their name*

Background: Jin grew up with a very musical background, her father having a job in the music business, and her mother being a singer who preformed locally. After her 15th birthday, she decided she wanted to become a singer, and she's practiced ever since.
Personality: She's easygoing but occasionally shy, despite the fact she's very bubbly and random. She has a bad habit of hiding her emotions and becoming very quiet at times, so sometimes getting her to talk may be a challenge.
Likes: food, music, musical instruments, drawing, anything interpreted as emo/goth, pokemon, kingdom hearts, legend of zelda.
Dislikes: Judgemental people and being woken up
Strengths: singing parts that test her boundaries and range, high and low notes
Weaknesses (fears): losing her friends
Habits: dancing around, playing with her bracelets and jewelry when she's nervous
Family: Mother, Father, and little sister
Best Friend(s): Choi Zelo and Kim Key (she met them by chance)
Friends: Lizzy and Lime
Rival and why: Alice. They ran into each other at the wrong place, wrong time, and they've had disputes and misunderstandings since.


I Heart…………


Love interest: Ren
Their personality: caring, sweet, loving
Scene requests: Ren running around the park chasing after her. (they go have a picnic to enjoy the nice day and Jin decides to mess up his hair and he decides to come after her for revenge.

Back Up Teen Top Love interest: Niel
Personality: Adorable, outgoing, goofy
Scene Requests: dancing in the rain while they're out getting food




Stage Name(If any): Riku
STORY Sub Group G0, Melody or Devil: G0
Group Position: Lead Vocalist
Back Up Position: (there isn't any other ones XD)
Back Up Back Up Position:
Show Appearance Requests: M-Countdown? /shot. I don't know, I'm not picky
Style of Group(cute, cool, etc.): cool
Training Years: roughly 2 years?
Trainee Life: had several good memories and the rest flew by before she knew it.



I really hope I did this right....^-^



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what is the ulzzang's name i need to know... XD