Tagged by nikailuv (Yes I know how late I am)

Eh... everyone knows the rules so why don't we get right to it? :DDD 

1) What do you think of me?

I think you are a very nice person. Gee... we need to talk more xDD 

2) How old are you?

I am a freshman in highschool... do I have to say any more to that?

3) Favorite K-pop song?

Uh.............. I am a very indecisive person Dx

4) Do you need someone to talk to?

Uhh... what exactly do you mean by this?  It would be nice? Does that make me sound like a loner? xDD

5) Favorite drama?

At the moment, I would have to say Secret. But if it's my absolute favorite? I'm sorry you asked someone who can't decide on anything. 

6) Do you have a pet?

No... but I like animals and it sounds fun to have one! :DDD

7) Do you remember how we met?

I'm pretty sure you sent me a friend request and we started talking then :DD ... I'm not good at this sorry >.<

8) Who's your ultimate bias?

Uhhh............ before it was Junhyung from B2st. Now I don't even know anymore, sorry beauties /slapped

9) What's your ethnicity?

I am Vietnamese-American.... if the american is need LOL

10) Where are you from?

 I was born in Colorado :D

11) If the zombie apocalypse were to happen first thing tomorrow morning what would you do? 

Haha I see what you did there [; I would... try to survive at least. I would like raid a bunch of places and like get a bunch of ppl together. but who knows? I might die while i'm still in bed /shrugs

This has also gotten pretty crazy haha so I'm not tagging anyone necessarily unless you want to do it. Which is something I welcome you to do  ^^ 



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