❝jung hyunjoo❞ is having troubles ♠


jung hyun-joo


I  want  to  know  more  about  you.


Name: Jung Hyunjoo

☆ Hyun; by most people because it's her preferred nickname
☆ Jeje; by the girls. it's her username
☆ Joo; by Jongin after they talk for a while. it's her pet name from him after Hyunjoo revealed her real name.

Birthdate: 24.11.1994

Ethnicity: Korean

Bloodtype: A

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Home Town: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean (native), English (conversational)


what is behind the mask?



Idol used: Krystal Jung of f(x)

Back-up idol: Yura Kim of Girl's Day

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 50 kg


Hyunjoo is definitely the way people describe as a fashionable person. She wear the latest fashion style, it's rare to see her wear same clothes for more than twice. But actually, Hyunjoo not doing it purposely, the fact is that Hyunjoo never really cared about her appearance, and she preferred to show casual than glamorous and looked stylish. Hyunjoo wears shorts with shirt most of the time. She also likes to let her hair loose and sometimes tie it.


The one who matters.


Family :

Father | Jung Dongwoon | 45 | Professor | 3/5 | quiet, serious | They're rarely met up, and when they do, her father would just smile and give her some money
Mother | Yang Baekhee | 46 | Singer | 3/5 | sweet, forgetful | Hyunjoo's mother often go on various tour, so she spent most of the time outside the house. But she likes to spoil her daughter even though they're rarely meet face to face.

Bestfriend : 

Shim Minha | 20 | College student | 4/5 | hyper, spontanous | Because Minha is Hyunjoo's neighbor next door, they interacts often. Minha likes to come over and even sleep over just because Hyunjoo felt lonely at times. Unfortunately, she moved to Busan a few months ago, and they chatted through short message instead.

Friends : 

Seo Yonghwa | 19 | Student (her deskmate) | 3/5 | polite, kind |
the girls at the troubles site


Rivals :

Yang Maeri | 19 | Student | 2/5 | innocent, smart | Hyunjoo likes to think that she's her rival because she's so envied the fact that Marie is the social butterfly. When ever Maeri greeted her, Hyunjoo does smile but then quickly back away.


You are the one?


Love interest: Kim Jongin

Age: 19 years old

Relationship: Stranger become friend


Kim Jongin is probably a combination of kind guy and an idiotic guy. He's genuinely smart beside the fact that he's a playboy and loves to joke and seduce girls around him. Jongin of course has his own problem, but he hid it well. He showed his bright self in front of everyone. He's so spontanous, honest, funny and sweet. He often make himself embarrassed because he does something silly just because he wanted to help the people in the site. Jongin quited school years ago, not because of he's stupid or what, it's because he's choosing his hobby as a dancer rather than studying 60 hours per week.

The first impression of him is a bad boy and a rebel. And it's true. He's a bad boy in front of girl, and a rebel in front of his family. But he's a determined guy and truly a hardworker. He work by himself at a restaurant now. People saw him with so many flaws, but deep inside, Jongin is just a 19 years old boy with pure heart. Once he found a person he loves, he won't let it go.


Jongin and Hyunjoo never really see each other in person. They just contact each other through the site, or through short message after Jongin asked her number. They're often spending time together just by talking random things and nonsense, realize it or not, it's bring Hyunjoo happier and sometimes forgot about her problems and complicated life. Jongin likes to seduce Hyunoo jokingly, and Hyunjoo didn't bother because she doesn't has any feeling towards Jongin. Yet.

First meeting:

Jongin or you can say ggamjong, is one of the moderators of the site. He's basically active everyday because he's quiting school and work as a full-timer instead. One day, he opened the latest thread and got interested by the topic there. It's turned out that he's quite interested with the person who use jjeje as her username. Jongin stalked her for a whole day, trying to find any mistake she did and then managed to send her a message through the private message. He pointed out that she's double-posting in the thread.

Back-up love interest: Byun Baekhyun


Let's go in further.



insecure; narrow-minded; greedy;

Hyunjoo lost her self-confidence a long time ago. She's basically just confused and afraid about the topic that people are avoiding her. She find it's hard to know what people thinks about her. Sometimes she likes to think that she's no longer important and she doesn't need to live anymore, but on the other time, she just wanted to live normally like what people do at her age. Hyunjoo is so sensitive and quite breakable. She tried to be better but somehow she doesn't understand what part of her that wrong and not in place. Hyunjoo couldn't accept the fact that people don't want her. It's make her greed got bigger. Not a greed towards wealth or somewhat, it's more like a greed to make herself better and greed to make people notice that she need a friend. That she need a company. But back again, she still doesn't know what part of her is wrong.

pure; sweet; trustworthy;

Hyunjoo is so pure and innocent, deep inside. People just haven't see this side of her. Sometimes Hyunjoo is so gullible until it's quite unbelieveable. She also treasured some friends she already have since they can accept her wether she's on her best condition or on her worst. Hyunjoo likes to play and joke around, actually. She acts cute and does aegyo stuffs when she's around her only best friend. She's a loving girl but find it's hard to love someone because of her past. Since she has no friend, Hyunjoo doesn't really has somebody to talk to. She kept her secrets (and probably some secrets of her best friend) by herself. She's so quiet and really trustworthy when it's come with secrets. People haven't know yet that actually she's the right person people should talk with when they need to let something off their mind.


Jung Hyunjoo is the daughter of Professor Jung and a well know trot singer, Yang Baekhee. People knew her for her parents wealth and status. Hyunjoo is beautiful, smart, humble, and has everything she want. Even though her parents were rarely home, Hyunjoo found nothing wrong with her family. She's happy with what she already has. Except one thing, friends. She has just a few friends. Nobody wants her because they scared of her perfection, scared of her status and  afraid to think that Hyunjoo could control them when ever she wants to. When she's attending elementary school, it's the first time Hyunjoo realized that there's a mistake on herself. People keep avoiding her and she felt so hurt. At junior high school, Hyunjoo fell in love for the first time. Her boyfriend took an opportunity to lend some money from her, but she refused to give him, and then he dumped her. He said that they're in a different league, and Hyunjoo wasn't at the place where she should be. Hyunjoo's heart never been that hurt ever since she was born. Since then, she thinks that love is overrated.

Now she's attending a regular high school, where people still avoiding her and don't want to be near her. At times Hyunjoo thinks that she couldn't stand it anymore, and she tried to commit suicide once. She nearly choke her self to death in her room but she stopped, breathless, when she realized she doesn't ready yet. Hyunjoo tried to continue her usual life after that, and somehow she found the site when she's suffering the internet.


Likes : 

☆ Foods
☆ Arts
☆ Fashion
☆ Puppies
☆ Literature

Dislikes :

☆ Herself
☆ Loneliness
☆ Kittens
☆ Heavy rain
☆ Hospital & medicine

Habits :

☆ Biting her thumb's nail when she's anxious
☆ Spacing out when she's tired
☆ Crossed her fingers


☆ Browsing for the latest fashion
☆ Doodling on her sketch book
☆ Watch some dramas or films by herself


Her username at the troubles site is jjeje
Owns a puppy golden retriver named Kai
☆ She's allergic to cold and kittens
☆ She was dreaming to become a model
☆ Was attending a ballet class, but stopped at the age of 14
☆ Wears a necklace everywhere she go, she treasured it so much
because it's from her grandmother
☆ She's an astraphobic, she's afraid of thunder
☆ She's trying to kill herself once, but it's failed because she's still afraid that time




Plotline: the one who has troubled with - herself

Q1; Why insecure? You're beautiful.

Nobody wants me. Even my boyfriend dumped me because the thought that we are in a different league. Everyone back away from me, they all shrink back from me. I was confused by it all. Am I less than perfect to be their friend? What if they thought that I'm not pretty and they feel disgusted to close with me? I was thinking about it for years, sometimes it's scared me how strangers would hate me when they know who i am.

Q2; How did you came to know about the website?

I was scrolling through my favorite fashion site, when an ad popped up. It's said that there were a site which was the place for the troubled people to gather. I'm not usually interested at things like that, but my miserable mind said that it's wont be bad to take a look.

Q3; Your thoughts about your love interest who tries to be hero and save you?

I don't know myself that he's a kind guy or actually a very idiot guy who doesn't know what he did. He's the only person who didn't really care about my background, he just cared about me. I've never ask him to come to my life and took a big part on it, but I'm so grateful and would thank him for doing so.


Last but not least,


Comments :

Hellaw x) First, let me apologize because I'm not changing a few of Soojung's gifs here becauseimlazyashell -bows- then, let me tell you that this fic is definitely cool and you should continue it until it finish i beg you o u o i hope you wont left this fic then dissappeared likewhattheotherauthorsdid orz forgot to mention, sorry for my grammar. bear with me pretty please o n o;;

I hope you like my application, because i spent hours just to fill it x| i work really hard to make it this long. i think it's still not enough, though. anyway, i really hope you'll let my chara join this awesome story of yours x') -crossed fingers-

Scene Request :

Jongin asked for her number. Hyunjoo said that Jongin must be a weird person because he wanted to talk with her, but she gave him anyway. When he call her the next minute, they talked for quite long time. At the end, Hyunjoo asked him why he wanted to know more about her, while the other people shrink back from her. Jongin answered, he doesn't care about where are Hyunjoo came from or what is her background, he confessed that he's interested in Jeje, the person who caught his attention at the first day she came to the site. And he wanted to be her friend. Hyunjoo cried.

Hyunjoo asked him if he can pick her up at some place. And Jongin is agree. This time they first meeting happened for real.

Suggestions : none at this time i guess :c



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