»Crystal Entertainment« Entry/Audition

Position: Lead Vocalist or Sub Vocalist

Birth date: December 1st (16)

Audition Clip:
In Korean - Run Devil Run
In English - Number 9   (I think this was better though)
In English - Hello

Colour Suggestion: White&Silver                      

Song Suggestion (may be the debut song or one of the songs we will cover): Co-ed School - Too Late, Bbiribbom Bberibbom | 5dolls - It's you | Wassup - Wassup | Cabi Song | T-ara - Lovey Dovey|

Group Name suggestion: A-Team, La Fete (means "the party/party" in french), DreamTeam, Zodiac, Galaxy6, 6wonders, High Society, Mi6xed, (Honestly idk....just spit balling ideas now....lol sorry)


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He's a link to an English Cover I did to SHINee's Hello
--babycrownangel #2
Hmm...do you mind if I ask you to try a male song?