I'll be back

My one year old is playing, crying, walking around, beating up his sisters, or whatever.  Until he hears the begining of the song with those three words "I'll be back...", then he stops, looks around to find where it is coming from. Finds the phone, computer, tv, tablet or whaterer and watches the video while dancing.  All the way until the end, including the acrobatic performance at the end.  After it goes off, he looks at me as if to say, play it again.  Awesome. By the way the song is I'll be back by 2pm.  I figured this out when he was crying one day when I put him in his playpen and the kids were watching youtube on T.V. and watched this video. As soon as he heard those first three words, he stopped crying.  I tested it out the next time he cried, worked again. Well, I know what kind of music he is going to like.


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oppach #1
Lol! Starting him young!