❝ Spring Graduation ❞ ( Jeon Minah )


I am the Happy Virus. Jeon Minah imnida!



Aff Username: mocheeeh
Activeness: 9/10
Your Name:


Character name: Jeon Min-ah
 ☆ Minah; her preferred nickname. Most people call her this way
 ☆ Ming; no specific reason other than because it's sound cute. Joonmyun call her this way

Date of birth: 11/11/1995 +18 years old
Place of birth: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Blood type: O
Languages: Korean (native), English (semi-fluent)


Height:  169 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Ulzzang:  Park Cha-hun (Chany)
Back-up ulzzang:  Kim Soo-yeon (Mint)



carefree; humble; friendly; secretive;
Minah used to be very lonely and introvert. She only talks to people she knew and hates crowded places. But after a few events that twisted her life, she open herself more towards the worlds. Minah became a carefree girl. She does what she want, says what she think, and she follows what her heart said. Minah hates to be under control, it's make her couldn't express her feeling freely. Beside became more open, Minah also likes to make friends. She laughs a lot, she helps people and play around. It's make many people attracted to her and wanted to be her friend. Minah doesn't turn out to be arrogant about this, she still managed to stay low and be humble to everyone. People saw her just like that, no one have realized that Minah hid so many secrets about her life, no one knew how to make Minah tell them about her life, because Minah likes to keep it as her own problems and chose to change the topic if they started to asking about her life.

playful; talkative; annoying at times;
Mostly, it's Minah who make the atmosphere is live and full of laughter. She's the real moodmaker due to her playfulness. Minah laughs loud a lot, and likes when people around her laughs with her. As far, Minah enjoys her role as the moodmaker and satisfied with her current environment. Even though people might adore her for her playfulness, still people found her so annoying when she talk too much. In this case, it's means she's babbling and says nonsense things.
lazy; pissed easily; not easily forget things
Probably Minah is the only girl who attend the top class with such high grades but lazy as hell. Not that Minah doesn't attend the class or not paying attention towards the teacher, she's just too lazy to note what the teacher have said and choose to doodling instead. Luckily for her, she has a pretty amazing memories. She doesn't easily forget about what people have said or what she saw. Unfortunately, beside that, Minah got pissed easily. She's so annoyed when she saw or heard something that crossed the line. She treasured friendship so much.


Minah was born in Busan, South Korea, years ago. She was born in a pretty wealthy family as the only child, but not growing up as a happy child due to her parents' business. Minah spent her childhood with watching films, playing around, and studying and got spoiled by her babysitter. Her babysitter kind of took the role of her parents at times. It's make Minah grew up so close with her, and became careless with her wealthy family, and likes to be around a simple environment instead. At the age of 13, Minah's life twisted after her babysitter passed away because of her illness. Minah and her parents often have many arguments, about anything, mostly about Minah's school life. Her father always want her to take his position as the CEO of his company in the future, but Minah keep refusing because she want to become someone she will be proud of, not someone who is controlled by her father.

After Minah graduated from her junior high school, she asked her parents if she could move to Seoul and live there while she registering in a one of the most well-known girl school there. After her parents accept her decision, she moved by herself and live at an unit of apartment now.

Likes:  foods, puppies, fashionable clothes, children, literature
Dislikes:  being controlled, silence, medicine, heavy rain, kittens
 ☆ own a puppy of golden retriever named Michi
 ☆ allergic to cat
 ☆ her favorite subject is english
 ☆ failing in mathematics
 ☆ a huge fans of peter pan tale

 spacing out when she's tired
 ☆ brings a pack of gummy bears on her pocket
 ☆ biting her bottom lips when she's concentrated
 ☆ tapping her feet when she's lying
 ☆ frowns a lot when she's anxious

 ☆ doodling
 ☆ swimming
 ☆ listening to music
 ☆ watch films or dramas
 ☆ write something in english

Phobias:  n/a



 ☆ Jung So-ah | Mother | 6/10 | They don't met up often, and when ever they see each other, Minah's mother chose to talk about something that not related with Minah's school because she knew that topic will make her daughter upset. | Alive
 ☆ Jeon Dong-il | Father | 4/10 | Minah's father rarely meet her during work days, Minah met her only on Saturday, and they spent their time together with arguing. Yet, actually her father treasure Minah so much because she's the only child. | Alive

 ☆ Yang Soo-bin | Babysitter | 9/10 | Minah used to be around her all the time because she enjoyed it. Minah likes to think that she was her mother instead. | Dead

 ☆ Nam Hyun-joo | Neighbor, best friend | 9/10 | They are really close and likes to be honest about anything about each other that they like or don't like. | Alive
 ☆ The Bookworm


 Love interest: Kim Joon-myun
 His personality:
Kim Joonmyun is probably the only perfect human alive. He is so kind, humble, polite, smart, a gentleman and came from a wealthy family. Many people admire him for his intellegence and handsome appearance. Joonmyun also famous in front of girls because he's such a gentle and always does somethings sincerely for the girls, even just a little things. Joonmyun likes to came out tidy and he hate untidy things (except his clothes that laid on his apartment's floor) and something loud. Joonmyun is so determined and truly a hardworker. He doesn't hesitate to spend his time with reading or just trying to answer questions from many books he own.

Behind that only a few people knew the fact that Joonmyun is timid, pretty sensitive and emotional. He easily cried over something silly (for most people), example, over a mello drama that sometime he watch. He also hate the fact that he should attend a new class with new people in it. It's difficult for him to adapt again and make new friend. This is the reason why he act so careless during the first week of the new-merged class. Yet, Joonmyun is easily impressed. And he's impressed with someone in the class, it's make him became more relaxed and open himself more to let the others know him at the end.

 Relationship: Classmate; they have a pretty weird friend-line
 How do you guys met: Minah hadn't met him before they both attend the same class, but she already knew about the wealthy-handsome-and-so-kind guy from the boy school. During their first day attending the same class, it's turned out that Minah was sitting right in front of him. At first Minah thought that he is pretty cool and calm, but her opinion changed after she saw Joonmyun didn't care about the other classmates. Now Minah likes to think that Joonmyun is so arrogant. Minah likes to mock him and annoy him so he will respond the others around him.
 Back-up love interest: Kim Min-seok
 His personaltiy: 

Kim Minseok is a playful guy with loud laugh and cute appearance. He likes to joke around and make the others focused on him. He's the type of a person who want attentions. He often make some noises just to make the others look at him, and he will grinning happily if he succeded. Even though it seemed that Minseok is so annoying, it's true that he is smart and pretty unpredictable. He's not a diligent student, but his grades are couted as one of the highest grade at his school. He's also the captain of the soccer team. Other than that, Minseok is well-knowned for his attitude towards girls. People said that Minseok is a playboy type and likes to dump many girls he dated. But actually, he just wanted to find his miss right. When he find it, Minseok will be very loyal and loving.

 Relationship: Stranger became Classmate
 How do you guys met: Minah met him right the day before she attend the new class. It was Sunday and Minah was going out near her school to search some tasty foods because she felt so bored at home. When she was about to enter a shop, Minseok who was walking from the opposite side, busy with his phone and accidentally bumped against her. They exchange apologize and then parting before Minah realized that the guy's face is kinda familiar. The next day, Minah meet Minseok in the class and Minah officially know him that day.


Comments: let me tell you, it's a cool applyfic! I like the idea you make this merged class and create a love line between that x) this character is so like me xD except the fact that she's smart and attend the topclass /sobs/ i hope you wont left this story unupdated later, because i'll definitely gonna dissapointed :c sorry for grammatical errors, anyway. english never suit me x( and...good luck with this story! <3

Questions: i guess there will be 6 members of exo that will attend the class. how about the rest members? sorry for asking such an useless question, anyway x(

Scene suggestion:
the regular students mock the merged-class' members when ever they enter the school's gate
minah come to joonmyun's apartment unit to study together but then she scold joonmyun for his habit to pile up his clothes on the floor instead
the merged-class' members hanging out together; maybe they go to the cinema after they passed a difficult exam
minah ask joonmyun if he want to watch a movie, and joonmyun say yes. the bad thing is he doesn't know that they're watching a horror movie, and it all turn out with minah laughing at joonmyun during the movie because he's scared to death

 ☆ joonmyun teach minah mathematics since he's an expert in that subject

Password: kris for luhan<3




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