❝ Spring Graduation ❞ ( Zhou Meixing )


I am the Bookworm, Zhou Meixing imnida!




Aff Username: neon-rainbows
Activeness:  9/10
Your Name: miyoung. but, you can call me mimi, or neon.


Character name: Zhou Meixing
Nickname(s): Mei (standard nickname originally given to her by her mother), Mei-baby (given to her by Luhan because of her child-like mannerisms), Congming Meixing (meaning 'Smart Meixing', given to her by bullies in elemantary school. Unfortunately, it stuck, and Meixing hates it)
Date of birth: 06/11/1996
Place of birth: Haidian District, Beijing, China
Hometown: Haidian District, Beijing, China
Ethnicity: Full-Blooded Chinese
Blood type: 
Languages: Fluent Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean


Height:  162 cm
Weight: 53.7 kg
Ulzzang: Wang Yi
Gallery:  <3
Back-up ulzzang:  Kiko
Gallery: <3


Personality:  Meixing is three types of nerd. She's the booksmart nerd, getting good grades since pre-school and even skipping up a grade after passing her finals so easily. She's the video game nerd, one of her many accomplishments being that she has a 200,000+ gamerscore. (She owns an Xbox 360, and a Nintendo 3DS). Lastly, She's the anime nerd. During her childhood, she's watched Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, and any other show that aired on Toonami. She's extremely introverted, for the most part. She'd much rather stay at home, in her room reading a book than go out and party. Although, Meixing's a very friendly girl and most adults find her to be the perfect student, and the possible perfect girlfriend. She, personally, doesn't find herself to be the 'perfect' anything. She'd much rather just be a normal girl, and not be treated like some sort of prodigy. Truthfully, She has some self-esteem problems stemming from her family issues that leads her to believe she isn't good enough. She can be described as a mellow person who's very righteous and believes in rights for all. She hates discrimination, in all forms of it. Including bullies. Unfortunately, no matter how much she hates bullies, she's usually a straight-on target for such considering her private ways, small stature and quiet voice. Meixing is also one of the kinds of people that's often seen, never heard. She'll often pop up standing very close behind you with a small smile on her face. "Ni hao." Will be the only thing she says, after you pretty much jump out of your skin. She can be very anti-social at times, seemingly disappearing whenever there's a large crowd. How she gets away? No one knows. One second, she's standing right next to you. Then the next, She's gone. That ties into her 'seen, never heard' deal as well. She's usually seen on the rooftop of the school during big events, with her books, a cup of warm green tea, and her iPod playing the audio of a podcast. Meixing cares a bit too much about what others think about her, unfortunately, and will let it get to her head a bit faster than it should. She takes insults to the heart, and frets about it too much. 
Background:  Meixing was born into a rich family. Most would believe this to be perfect. But, Despite Meixing being surrounded by all of the books and tea that she could ever want, all she wanted was her parents' approval. Neither one of them talked to her much, or cared much at all of her accomplishments. Every night Meixing would come running into her parents room, "Mommy! Daddy! Look, I got an award!" At the most, she'd get a fake smile and a pat on the back before she would be kicked out of the room to mope into her own room, tortured by the silence. Still to this day, all Meixing wants is her parents to be proud of her. More specifically, her father. But, no such luck. Meixing is an only child, but considers her closest friend since elemantary, Luhan, to be her brother. Currently, Her parents still supply her with money, but, they don't speak to her at all.
Likes:  Books (more specifically, fantasy books), Green Tea, Video Games, Tuxedo Mask, Bright colors
Dislikes:  Dirty rooms (she has an immediate impulse to clean it), Mushrooms, s, Bullies, 
Trivia:  She at one time referred to herself as 'Sailor Moon'. She owns over 40 games for the Xbox. Her favorite Pokemon is Charmander. She's a really big fan of Achievement Hunter (Ray is her favorite). Despite having maids, She enjoys to cook and clean for herself.
Habbits:  Chewing her tongue, Not looking up when walking (usually causing her to run into people), Wiggling in her seat
Hobbies: Reading books, Writing her own stories occasionally, Cooking, Taking care of animals (she volunteers at the local animal shelter)
Phobias:  She only has one fear, which is the fear of silence. Since she was a child, She often sat in silence in her room whenever her parents would send her off there. So, she grew up hating the ringing of a silent room. It even causes her to have a panic attack of some sort, making her shake and cry.


      Lin Qiuye | Mother | 1 | Quiye shows Meixing a bit more love than her father does. Meixing loves her mother, but Quiye doesn't love her as much.  | Alive
      Zhou Mengyao | Father | 1 | Mengyao simply detests Meixing. Deep down inside, He knows that she's a smart girl and knows that she'll get far in life, but doesn't want to admit it. So, He's very flippant with her. Unlike Meixing, who loves her father to pieces and will do anything to please him. | Alive
      Lu Han | Meixing calls him her brother | 10+ | Lu Han was/is Meixing's one and only best friend. And words couldn't explain how much she appreciates Lu Han for being there for her. So, She treats him with all the respect in the world. Lu Han loves her just the same, but enjoys teasing her just a bit. | Alive


 Love interest: Tao
 His personality: Tao is known well as a shy panda. Perhaps, not as shy as Meixing is, but still. He's only shy around new people, but, once he gets to know you, He'll be the best friend that you'll ever have. He's extremely loyal to his friends and family, and will do anything to protect them, no matter what the cause. In other words, If you mess with him, or his friends/family, You're dead. Not to mention, He knows martial arts as well. So, He's very good with defending himself if needbe. Tao is known for his dark panda eyes, and adorable smile. But, Isn't as famous with the ladies as many would believe him to be. He has a unique face, nonetheless. And hasn't had but one girlfriend so far. He's a hopeless romantic, that will indeed treat his lover like the princess she is in his (dark) eyes.
 Relationship:  Mutual friends, and classmates.
 How do you guys met:  Meixing had been forced to go with Lu Han for some caffiene and cookies at a local Starbucks. Meixing, didn't drink any coffee, but, instead met Tao, one of Lu Han's close friends. She was a blushing mess around him, and didn't want to talk at all around him at the risk of sounding ridiculously stupid. Tao, on the other hand, found her blushing face to be adorable. He told her that day that if she needed anything, she could call him. He wants to know more about Meixing, but, she has to open up to him first.
 Back-up love interest: Xiumin
 His personaltiy: Xiumin, in other words, is a complete goofball. To his friends, He's known as a baozi. To others, he (and Chen) are known as the class clowns. He's very confident in himself, and doesn't care much about his appearance, but cares more about making someone laugh. 
 Relationship:  Classmates; Xiumin's crushing on her.
 How do you guys met: They met in class, like Meixing met many of her friends. She was sitting in the back, reading a book. Xiumin popped up next to her with a bright smile, and started cracking jokes.


Comments: Hmm...Nope, I think I'm good. Took me a long while to do things, Maybe it's just because I'm a slow . :/ But, yeah. xD
Questions: Nope, I think I'm okay. ^.^
Scene suggestion: Here's an idea. Let's say that Tao walks Meixing to the local library, and while they're walking, some bully comes up and trips Meixing. Tao gets all defensive, and quickly starts to defend her honor by threatning to beat the bully up. But, Meixing stops him half way through.
Password: I call it a BrOTP. <3




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