♡ Let's Date! [World Edition] - Season 2 || Marie Carter || ♡


Wanna Date Me?

Wanna Date Me?




Applicants Information

Legal Name: Marie Carter
Birthday + Age: 12/30/1994 / 18 years old, turning 19 
Hometown: Manchester, United Kingdom
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: British-Taiwanese 
Languages: English (Mother Tongue) , Chinese (Fluent)  Korean (Advanced - She learnt it in a summer camp when she went on a trip to Gangnam with her school; KPOP helped her to improve her skills; she has a few korean classmates).

Photos of You: Moon Dambi + click!

What Are You Like: Marie
 is the type of girl that doesn't allow anybody to mess up with her. Try to do it and you are already on her black list. She is very blunt and holds her pride as if it was a precious diamond. She is ambitious and always fights for what she believes, even if it brings troubles to her. Her past wasn't easy so she learnt how to protect herself an never bow to those that wouldn't do the same for her. She has a bad-girl personality that makes all the boys droll over her. The director office was the place she visited the most during her school days, because she was always in troubles, in fact her middle name should be troublemaker. The anger she shows to certain people is nothing more than a defense mechanism. It’s become hard for her to be close to more than a few people, and she decides to argue with the ones she doesn’t exactly care about. She’s extremely sarcastic, but never does it to hurt anyone unless she feels as if they’re coming at her. Naturally, she’s a very cheeky girl and uses that to her advantage in conversation, even if people don’t see it that way. She’s very loyal to her friends, and will do anything to protect them, there is no way she’ll let anyone get hurt on her watch. She’s the type of girl who’s never fully dressed without her attitude. Being the only child in her family, she was practically born with the quality of being a leader. She likes to be the one in charge pulling the ropes rather than the one following behind. Although at times she may seem to be one of those well brought up, pureblood, polite girl, in reality she’s still a clumsy kid wanting to have fun. Sometimes acting like she’s in her own world, a great word to describe her would be odd. Others might find it offensive, but she doesn’t mind - she thinks it fits her quite well actually. 

- marsmallows
- cartoons
- video games
- rainy days

- violence
- backstabbers
- drugs
- bugs
- loud noises

- nail art
- shopping
- playing soccer
- hanging out with friends

- biting her nails
- touching her hair
- biting her lips when she is nervous
- claping her hands while laughing
- she says 'like' a lot. For example: 'I was talking to him and it was like, he was so nervous and I was like: why are you being like this?' gosh, like he can be annoying sometimes'.


- she was born in Taipei, Taiwan, to a British father and Taiwanese mother.
- she likes to play pranks on people.
- marie is the only child, maybe that's why she is so spoiled.
- she studies in one of the best universities in UK, Oxford, her major is Architecture.
- she already had more than 20 mobile phones, she keeps losing them all.
- she was One Direction's Harry Styles classmate since they were 10 years old.
- her biggest idol is Christina Aguilera.
- she eats a lot and gains weight easily.
- took ballet lessons in the third grade.
- she can't eat something without brushing her teeth right after, so she takes her toothbrush with her all the time.
- she likes to learn new things.
- too childish sometimes.
- she is the jealous type.
- she likes to receive gifts.
- she says her cakes are the best ones.
- when she is mad, she says a lot of bad words.
- her style is vintage like.
- she is friends with all the One Direction members, because of Harry.
- she respects KPOP artists because of their hardwork before debuting.
- she likes EXO and SNSD the most.


Why Did You Decide To Apply For Let's Date [ World Edition ] - Season 2 ? To be honest I tried to apply for the first season but I was already late so I decided to apply for the season two because I liked the show a lot.

How Did You Hear Of The Show? Of course I did! I mean 'Let's Date' became pretty popular among teenagers. Everybody knows the show, i'm quite a fan /smiles/.

How Would You Feel If You Are Chosen? It would be good, I would be glad to be part of this new season, I would have so much fun! However, if i'm not chosen is okay too /shrugs/, there will be more opportunities so it's fine! Still, I would love to be part of it!

Have You Ever Dated Before? Yes

What Type Of Girlfriend Are You? I'm not the romantic type! I'm not good with words either, so I tend to express myself through actions! I'm the type of girl that would do everything to make my boyfriend feel loved and comfortable around me. I'm very caring deep down!

How Do You Act Around Someone You Like? I never change in front of anyone, and when I say anyone is really ANYONE! I could be meeting Obama and still act like a dork! If someone likes me, they need to like me for who I really am, so why should I change the way I act? I don't blush often, but if you can make me blush, you can consider yourself lucky /winks playfully/.

How Comfortable Are You With Skinship? I'm totally comfortable with skinship! Like I said before I'm not good with words, so I tend to express the way I feel by kissing or hugging someone, it's my way of showing that I really care. In a scale of 0 to 10, 10 will be the number!

What Do You Value In A Relationship? Sincerity! It's the main key for a relationship to work!
What Don't You Like In A Relationship? Lies! Doesn't matter if its a little or big lie, a lie is always a lie, and will never end up well!

How Do You Know About Kpop? I found KPOP while I was searching for the OST of 'Sailor Moon - The Live Action' and in the corner of the page I saw a SS501 video! It was love at first sight! They were my first KPOP group 4 years ago!

How Good Is Your Korean? How Did You Learn It? /rubs the back of my head/. My korean is okay? /laughs/ I can talk korean pretty well in fact! The only problem I have is with the hangul! I have some difficulties reading it /pouts/ but i'm studying hard, I promise /presses my hands together/. I started to learn Korean because of KPOP! Of course we become familiar to some words if we keep listening to them in those songs! I also needed to choose a foreigner language to study when I became an high school student, so I decided to choose Korean! I thought it wouldn't be as different as Chinese, but it was /laughs/.

Anything Else We Should Know About You? I kinda know how to sing! /shrugs/ I mean, I sing a lot in the shower and my mom loves it when I sing some DBSK to her! But maybe that's because she is my mom, she can't complain /tilts my head to the side/. I also can play the piano and I love marshmallows! So that's pretty much it /bows/.


Your Date

Ideal Type: Song Seunghyun (FT Island), Do Kyungsoo (EXO), Minhyuk (CN Blue).

Personality: Marie keeps saying she wants a boy that can handle her in good and bad days! They need to be hardworking and ambitious to fight for what they really want. Someone that can be childish but also manly just for her! The first thing she looks when she meets a boy is their teeth, they need to have beautiful teeth, so they need to have a beautiful smile too! Someone that is not afraid to say how he feels  because she is already bad with words so she needs someone that would change it! Someone that is not shy, someone with a bit of innocence in his eyes, humble and down to earth! Someone that knows how to keep a secret. Someone that will look only at her!

What is your Ideal Date: A place where they can have a lot of fun, like an amusement park, going to see a soccer game or the movies! But she also loves the beach, feeling the sand between her fingertips! A date at night on the beach would be more than perfect! 

Ending: Marie and her partner would decide to go different ways! They would stay friends but with a promise of knowing each other more in the future! They will change phone numbers and who knows, love can blossom between them!

Scene Requests :  - Seunghyun teaches Marie how to play the guitar! He leans down slowly and presses a kiss on her cheeks.
- Emotional moment between Marie and Minhyuk on the last episode, when they hug each other crying!

- Kyungsoo and Marie cook together, she accidentally burns the food and he scolds her for that! She stays upset with him, so they end up cuddling later!
 - Seunghyun and Marie play the pepero game and they lips brush against each other, later she admits she liked it!



Password: Taeman VS Kyudevil <3

Comments: Good luck <3

-farewell- | Aleyna | 9


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