❝ Spring Graduation ❞ Kwon JaeAh


I am the Heartbreaker, Kwon JaeAh imnida!


Aff Username: maviseu
Activeness:  8/10
Your Name: Mavis


Character name: Kwon JaeAh
Jae - Called by friends and family
Foxy - She's y and as sly as a fox
Date of birth: 08/10/1995
Place of birth: South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Blood type: B
Languages: Korean(fluent), English(conversational)


Height:  163cm
Weight: 49kg
Ulzzang:  Yoo Hyunjin
Gallery:  here
Back-up ulzzang:  Lee Dasom
Gallery: here


Personality:  First of all, JaeAh is very confident about herself, her looks, her body and everything else. She know that she looks good and she's definitely one of the best. With confidence, how she could easily approach her target and get them to fall head over heels for her. She will never understand why a girl is so insecure, everyone is pretty and unique in their own ways. Because of her confidence and her straightforwardness, she will just snap at you and ask you to get plastic surgery or something if you are so upset about yourself. She may sound really mean but it's just a reminder for girls to be more confident about themselves. And back to her being straightforward, yes, she is very honest and is not afraid to speak her mind. She never sugarcoat her words, if she dislike you, she will tell you. But, she's still smart enough to know when not to cross the line. Secondly, she's a party animal, a very wild one. Even at school, all she thinks about is drinking, dancing, having fun and doing crazy things. Almost every night, she will go to a club and have some fun. With her friends, she's the most crazy one. She often get high for no reason and start jumping up and down. Her friends will often look at her weirdly and wonder why they are friends with her. Thirdly, she's a player, or a heartbreaker, whatever you can come up with. Whenever she goes to a club, she will find a target, tease them and dump them right after. She can never date someone longer than a week, it is just impossible. She loses interest very quickly and change partners like it's a daily chore. She dated all the guys who confessed to her but they only lasted for a day. Some of them got really heartbroken while some of them was glad that it lasted a day and not hours.

Background:  She was born and raised in Seoul. Her family consists of her and her two parents. Her parents were at work most of the time. The only one who was accompanying her at home was her Grandmother. Since young, she never felt loved and only see her Grandma as her only kin, her parents were nothing except for people who provided the money for food and school. There was no warmth felt when she's at home. When she was 10, her Grandmother passed away and she was taken care by a nanny. Life was pretty much awful ever since then. At the age of 16, she start going to clubs and she finds the place where she belongs. She feels that the booming sounds of the music and the crowds of people dancing is able to make her feel less lonely. She liked the attention she gets from guys because she can never get that kind of luxury from her parents. 
Having fun
Boring people
Boring subjects like History
Dirty places
Being left alone
She tattooed her family name, Kwon, on her right ankle
Black is her favourite color
She brings her phone along where ever she goes
She likes to drink beer at night
Biting the inside of her cheek when she's angry
Sleeping late
Hitting people when she's laughing
Making eye contacts with guys
Monophobia - Fear of being alone (since her parents never cared about her and after her grandmother is gone, she's always alone and she never liked it, she hates when nobody talks to her, nobody pays attention to her)


      Kwon Joowon | Father | 2/10 | Father only come home every weekend and they only have dinner together once or twice a month. When they have dinner together, he will only say some words like, "Study hard" or "Stop playing around" or "You're old enough". Other than they, they never really talked. | Alive
      Kim Hyerin | Mother | 0/10 | Mother is always travelling from one place to another so JaeAh never gets the chance to see or even talk to her. On those occasional days when Mother is home, she will always ask JaeAh to go back to her room since she still have work to do. | Alive
      Kwon Mi | Grandmother | 9/10 | Grandmother will often bring her out to play when she's bored. She's the only one JaeAh can trust and tell how much she misses her parents | Dear

      Krystal Jung | Best friends | 10/10 | Krystal is the person who introduced JaeAh to clubbing, but she don't club as often as JaeAh. Krystal is a very caring and thoughtful friend and JaeAh just like the way she is. Both of them just clicks. | Alive



Love interest: Kim Jongin
 His personality: Kai is the definition of 'y', 'cool' and 'dorky'. No, in fact, he's perfect. Girls swoon over his looks and clever brain, including a very hot body. But Kai's personality don't fit his appearance at all. He is rather shy and dislike attention. He is quiet and only talk to a handful of people. He prefers to sit at a corner and read a book or listen to music. He also has a thing for dancing.
Relationship: Friends
 How do you guys met: JaeAh had always been eyeing on Kai. Kai's face has "Hard-to-get" written all over and JaeAh thought that he was interesting. She was the one who talked to him first, only to get side eyed. Since Kai had never liked talking to strangers, he just focused on his book. He thought she was beautiful though. Ever since that day, JaeAh kept coming to his corner. Kai did mind but she is not that annoying. She just sits there and use a phone. She even took a picture of Kai secretly, but got caught right after.

 Back-up love interest: Byun Baekhyun
 His personaltiy: He is the smartest kid in class. But, he's not arrogant at all and is willing to help his classmates when they need help in their homework. He can get along well with everyone and in his clique, he is the moodmaker. He is always making funny expressions and whenever there's an argument, he will be the one that eases the tension and sort everything out.
 Relationship: Friends
 How do you guys met: Both of them were paired up randomly for a project and JaeAh wanted to ask him to do the project by himself since he can easily handle it. But the way Baekhyun calmly told her that she can do 30% of the project and leave the rest to him made her change her mind. She told him that it will be more fair if she did half of it and he gladly agreed. Through this project, they became friends and they worked quite well together. JaeAh never expected Baekhyun to be this humble and Baekhyun never expected JaeAh to be this helpful.


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Password: OMG




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