❝ Spring Graduation ❞ Jung Jieun


I am the the heartbreaker, Jung Jieun imnida!




Aff Username: chocolatebunnie
Activeness:  9/10
Your Name: angel


Character name: Jung Jieun / Angel Jung 
Nickname(s): n/a
Date of birth: November 22, 1995 / 19
Place of birth: Manhatten, New York, USA
Hometown: Manhatten, New York, USA
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Blood type: O
Languages: Korean(fluent), English(fluent), Chinese(conversational)


Height:  168 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Ulzzang:  Jang Hae Byeol
Gallery:  Gallery 1 + Gallery 2 + Gallery 3
Back-up ulzzang:  Lee Da som
Gallery: Gallery 1 + Gallery 2 + Gallery 3


Personality:  Angel usually has a "idgaf" attitude. She doesn't care what other people thinks of her, and she just sticks to her own friends. She is lazy, and doesn't really do what normal people would do. She would rather get other people to do it for her. Unless its something she knows that she have to do, she'll talk someone into doing it for her. She is basically like a queen. She's rather rude. And scary. If you get on her bad side, she'll make you regret you were even born. Angel doesn't give a damn about strangers, or people she doesn't care about. She's heartless when it comes to that. Being the daughter of rich parents, many people up to her just to have a insight on the popular and rich life. Angel's smart, though. She makes friend with people who are really truthful and not just up to her. Angel is wild. She likes to party a lot. She's always having friends over at one house. Yes, thats right. She has more than one house. Her family owns different kinds of houses, and Angel would always take advantage of that. She'll basically just invite a bunch of people to one of her houses and party all night long. She can't help it to be a heartbreaker. She just can't. She'll like one boy, but then realise she doesn't really like him that much the next day, and then dump him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Angel's first love has never loved her. That's maybe the reason why she's a heartbreaker. Adding on, she lives in a big mansion with just herself, her yorkshie terrier, and the housekeepers. She's alone and her parents doesn't care about her. She's been hiding this secret from everyone since she became a heartbreaker. At school or at clubs, she may seem wild, free and awesome. But when she gets back home, she's all alone in the big old mansion. She loves sports. It's her favorite past time. She likes golfing, swimming, and especially extreme sports. She has done all kind of extreme sports and is a really brave girl. She is not afraid to take up a challenge.                                                      Even though she may seem tough and emotionless, she has feelings too. When someone close to her hurts her, she acts like she doesn't care, when she really is hurting inside. She tries to maintan her "image" of being tough and someone who's everyone afraid of. Behind this tough facade, there lies a sweet and helpful girl. She's kind to her close friends, which is not many people, thats why she doesn't show it often. If you get close to her and she trusts you, you'll find that she's just like any other ordinary teenage girl out there. 

Background:  Angel was born in Manhatten, New York, to two rich parents. Her parents were building up a business in New York, when her father suggests to move back to Seoul, to have better finance as most of their relatives are there. The business was a huge succcess, earning her parents with more money as they already possess. Having busy parents, at a young age, Angel was taken care by her maids, and never once played with her parents. Her only memory of playing with her parents was in an amusement park when she was 4. At that age, her parents business was just prospering. Angel soon learned how to live without her parents, to be independant and not be hurt easily. Her parents rarely come home early. They're always back at midnight, or even later. They are always overseas to discuss business partnerships too, so Angel is always alone. She's been transferring schools a lot, due to the many people who would like to be friends with her just for money, she always ask for a transfer. She's currently in a good school that she likes, with a few friends who are true to her, and not just up for money. She met a boy there, a boy who later on immigrated to another country. That boy, he didnt love her, and played her like a game. Angel was heartbroken when he just dumped her. The day after, she woke up with a new resolution. Starting from now, it wasnt boys who were dumping her. It was her dumping boys. That was the beginning of Angel's adventure of being the school's little miss popular. And of course, the school's little miss heartbreaker. 

Likes:  Stuffed Animals | Extreme Sports | Electronic Devices | Herself | Video Games | Food | Photography 
Dislikes:  Wasps | School | Exams | backstabbers | Betrayals | Waking Up
Trivia:  She's half american, half korean || She doesn't like being bossed around || She's the daughter Jung Hyunshik, the ceo of 75% of South Korea's resorts and hotels. || She has a tattoo of a star on her right wrist || She has a tattoo of black angel wings on the back of her neck || She hates losing || She's emotionless most of the time 

Habbits:  Midnight Snacking || Talking to Herself || Spacing Out
Hobbies: Eating || Swimming || Surfing the Web || Cycling || Watching tv || Playing video games
Phobias:  n/a 


      Jung Hyunshik / Shawn Jung | Father | 4 | They don't see each other that often, so they don't really interact. When they get the chance to, they usually just talk about life and is really awkward with each other | Alive
      Kim Mihye | Mother | 5 | Like her father, they don't see each other often, but Angel sees her more than her father. They don't really talk to each other that often, but they usually exchange some words and check to see how each other is doing.  | Alive

      Krystal Jung | Best Friend | 9  | They are super close to each other. Krystal is the one who Angel always texts and talks to. They confide in each other of everything, and always hang out together. They are always there for each other.  | Alive


 Love interest: Luhan
 His personality: He may seem like he has many aegyo, but he doesn't really have that much. He doesn't do much and doesn't like to either. He is friendly to everyone around him, except for people he hates, which he is cold to. He has a lot of friends, and is one of the popular guys in school too. 
 Relationship:  Friends
 How do you guys met:  Luhan was a transfer from China, and on his first day, because of his looks, he became popular with girls. With other friends that he met, they became one of the kingkas in school. Although they may be popular, they are not stuck up and are extremely kind to everyone around them. Luhan, on his first day, sat on a table, but was soon asked to move by one of his friends, Chanyeol. he asked why and chanyeol explained to him that it was only for "popular" people. Luhan thinks its ironic that there are different kinds of tables, so he and his friends sat there anyways. Angel and her friends obviously, sat there. Angel and Luhan opened up to each other, as Angel could feel that his different. They soon became friends, but they have different insights on almost everything, so they often bicker together. 
 Back-up love interest: Chanyeol
 His personaltiy: His sweet and kind, and doesn't create trouble. He moves out of the way if there's conflict and he just goes with the flow. He doesn't like trouble and tries to fix things by himself, but it doesn't really work out great. He is never mad, his usually the happy virus and if his angry, its really bad, as he can do about almost everything, anything crazy or stupid, he will do that. 
 Relationship: Close Friends
 How do you guys met: Angel's first friend at her new school was Chanyeol. He was really kind and was there for her when she broke up with her first love. They are still close friends and talk to each other often. 


Comments: hwaiting for your story! I hope you liked her and that I get accepted :p. Also, if my app is lousy...sorry><. Anyways, I hope you liked it!
Questions: n/a
Scene suggestion: Luhan and Angel bickering again and Chanyeol coming in to fix it. A love traingle between Luhan, Angel and Chanyeol. 
Password: TaeEun




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