Missing AFF...!

I can't believe it has been two months that I've left AFF... It really felt like a year for me. I miss it.

It's been a year though that I started discovering great stories around here and when I started to have my own taste concerning the length and genre of stories I prefer to read.

Most importantly, it's last November that I had my first story idea, and since then I couldn't help but plot different scenarios in my head, accumulating over 50 stories entirely plotted in my head, and just waiting for the time and skill to write them...

My life has totally changed since I've discoved Asianfanfics... I now have real friends from places around the world I'd have never imagined I can meet people from. (I know, this sentence isn't totally correct! --" but who cares? )

I also became happier... Honestly I'd have never thought that just reading a great fanfiction can make me feel so much better and can give me more hope in this life! *sigh*

Now I can believe in my dream, and I'm trying to realize it... Even if realizing it will definitely take me away from my other dream which is writing...

yep! Writing is a dream for me more than being a hobbie... It's something that I still can't do well, so yeah...

I still can remember the first time I decided to take notes about the ideas I was getting last winter. It was both exciting and stressfull, at the time... And I was like an ignorant child who's discovering something for the first time!

Time passes by quickly. And so I hope summer will come quickly... I want to write again, but this time with more quality and passion...

I also wish to talk to my friends again and to meet more great people here! ^^

For now I'll be busy studying! T_T

Thank you all! <3


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Just so you know.... you will write those 50 stories, alright?! XD
Of course fanfics make you happier - as long as you don't read any with death and such T____T xD
Wait... writing may be a dream of yours, but just to make that clear - that "still can't do well" is just so out of place! Your writing skills are astonishing and you know that, so just let everybody appreciate them as much as I do :DD
Time goes by fast? .___. Unfortunately not at college.. XD
Anyway I hope - or rather, I know you're doing well, so have loads of fun and freaking return soon!! T____T
Welcome back .. :)
That's so cute :)
pApErLaNtErN #4
Awww this blog is so sweet to read ^_^
Welcome back!
I feel so happy hearing/(reading) this! I know exactly what you feel since I felt that a couple of months/an year after I discovered AFF too! Unfortunatly I've never written a fic (i do have plots and stuff, but not the time nor the confidence) I wish you soooo much luck in the studies and more happiness from this site, there are mean people but there is also the really nice and supportive people around here who will encourage you! anyway.......HAVE FUN, FIGHTING!! <3