❝ Spring Graduation ❞ ( lee eunmi )


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I am the happy virus lee eunmi imnida! 



Aff Username: Imjustagirlnextdoor
Activeness:  9/10
Your Name: cass


Character name: lee eunmi
Nickname(s): bright yeoshin | she is never seen without a smile, so thats where 'bright' comes from. 'yeoshin' is becauseshe is known to be pretty. | friends [yeoshin means goddess]      puppy/pup/weirdo | baekhyun says its suppose to be an insult [get what i mean?] | baekhyun
Date of birth: 21 january 1995
Place of birth: busan, korea
Hometown: busan, korea
Ethnicity: full korean
Blood type: a
Languages: korean - fluent


Height:  163 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Ulzzang:  park hwanhui
Back-up ulzzang:  jang chommi


Personality:  Her brighter personality can charm you in many ways, even if it's just a few mintues you have spoken to her, you'll sure be under her spell. Eunmi somehow just makes everyone like her, she manages to even make some people to ask her to stay longer! She just has a bubbly personailty that makes you want to get to know her better. Whenever you're around her, you would feel as if you've known her for all your life! Eunmi never fails to keep a frown upside down, being cheerful all the time, wearing a smile on her face, she always makes you smile. But she is not paitient and she also gets annoyed easily, she hits herself when she messes something up. One of the things she always messes up is her busan accent, some people say she has a nice personailty but some people also thinks she gives off a rude vide and this is because of her busan accent. As a little kid, whatever she said, wrong or right, it would have sounded mean and rude. Eunmi always tries to do a seoul accent but sometimes its just immpossible when she's fumming mad. Eunmi can lend you a listening ear, a strudy shoulder to cry on but you'll never see her cry or even talk about her feelings. She bottles up her feelings and when she gets home, she writes her feelings in a diary and keeps it well hidden from everybody. She is also very loyal, never telling your secrets. Towards almost everybody, she can sometimes be sassy. Like being sarcastic, she does not mean them but her busan accent just makes everything she says into a rude comment. She gives up quite easily but she dreams big.
Background:  Eunmi came from a normal family. A happy once. Average class but she's happy. As a little girl, her studies were away ok but never up to standreds since her father expected from her alot. Through her life, she always had this problem. She always wanted to be a singer but yet she had no one to voice out this dream of hers. So she would always want a soundproff room and it was her birthday so her parents installed it. From that day onwards, she would lock herself in her from and she could sing her heart out, scream all her troubles away and sob without anyone knowing.
Likes:  sweet things | rainy days | cats | music | reading
Dislikes:  bitter things | homework | too much pink | players
Trivia:  her lucky charm | has a kitten named danbi, which mean sweet rain | doesnt believe in love. | calls baekhyun 'byun baek' | does not belive in love
Habbits: biting her lips | singing along to any song | laughing without covering | snapping her fingers
Hobbies: reading | listening to music | playing games | writing in her diary to vent anger
Phobias:  the dark | she just hates it  getting scolded | her parents scolded her alot as a kid


      lee daejung | father | 4/10 | eunmi acts lifeless around him, she ignores him and shows no emotion | Alive
      kim chohee | mother | 6/10 | she acts the same way around her mother but she feels safer with her mother | Alive
      danbi | cat and owner | 10/10 | danbi is the only on at home that gets a smile from eunmi. eunmi loves her cat more then anyone | Alive
      she should be good friends with the prankster ^^


350 186 Love interest: byun baekhyun
 His personality: he is just like eunmi. sassy, nice but he is just arrogant and self centered. he's quite in-sensetive, not really caring about how others felt, however, he has alot of friends and fans. he's pretty talented and popular in school, a popular boy who loves to annoy eunmi. he's nice to everyone but not to eunmi, it seems like he's life goal is to annoy eunmi for the rest of her life. talkertive little guy he is, he and eunmi are too smilar that they hate each other. but who could fully hate a guy with a cute grin and laugh? he's quite a flirt too, picking up any kind of girl and dumping then right after. he really needs a loyal girl to teach him how to love in the proper way, eunmi always says.
 Relationship:  friend-enemise
 How do you guys met: it was prom night and baekhyun was running around the whole school and running away from what you might ask, a whole mob of fangirls. he was really scared, for the first times he wanted to hide in a hole and cruse his good looks. then he remembered a great hiding spot, a smal janatiors closet beside the music room. little did he know that eunmi was doing her last mintue practising in the music room and was locking it up, walking to the school hall to perform a love song, since she didnt have a date. he made a quick turn, which made him lose the mob for a while, that was when he saw her. when she saw him, she gave him a qizzicle look, tilting her head and her brows coming together. he sighed when he heard footsteps and took her by the hand and pulled her into the dark closet. it was cramp in there and baekhyun was cornering her up against the wall, she was going to open the door but he covered with one hand and shaked his head. eunmi stared at him blinking. she couldent make a sound, she was too scared. afterwards, an hour passes, the fan girls were gone but eunmi had missed her performance. baekhyun, being the flirt, offered her a ride home but she was too made to even look him in the eye, she just kicked him and walked home. he went home with a limping leg. the next day, she saw him flirting with a girl an at that time, he was with already with a girl. she walked up to him and slapped him, saying why was he cheating on her. he got mad at this girl who was hitting and kicking him, he asked her that an she ignored him. they fought the whole day but soon apologised to each other with the help of their friends.
 Back-up love interest: chen
 His personaltiy: same as above
 Relationship:  same as above
 How do you guys met: same as above


Comments: nothing much..just that i had fun doing this app ^^ i laughed at my own character since she was almost 30% like me xD im so in-perfect cx sorry for any spelling mistakes >.< sorry for the abit messy layout ><;;
Questions: nothing much ^^
Scene suggestion: 1) one day at the park, eunmi caught baekhyun, sitting on a bench, staring at his phone and mumbbling some words, then hitting himself on his head. she was ciriouse about his odd behaviour but she hid behind the bench to observe him. she was shocked to see him looking at a picture of her and practising his confession for her. she was running away but baekhyun caught her and stopped her...[please continue ^^]
Password:   thehun and sassy diva *^*




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