Why is this happening!!!!!

So i was going to update yesterday[nov 29] but something very sad happen.

You see, recently, this adorable little baby boy finally join our family. My Uncle and his eife have been trying to have another boy since they only have 4 girls and 1 boy. So when she got pregnant, god gave them their second boy.

John Lee, born on Oct 12, 2011, with the left side of his brain not working, one ear not develope, and a weak heart. He was rushed to another hospital about 3 hours away from home. Doctors say that my cousin John have to have surgery in the heart so three days later it happened. I was so scared for him. They say it was sussessful but they're have to keep his chest open to do more surgery later.

John has never had a chance to come home to see his noonas and hyung, or his uncles aunties grandparents or any families. Little Baby John was hospitalize from day 1. Never had a proper way to become one of my family because of my culture. And now, he'll never see anyone anymore.

Little Baby John was at the brink of not making until the next days soo many tmes already, but beacuse of our love towards him, he lived just a little longer. His mom, my aunti in law, she never once held him because of how scared she was. Yes the sight of him connected to tubes and haveing and open chest is scary, but he still is a human being. And now she'll never have a chance to hold him ever again.

Baby John died yesterday, Nov. 29. My uncle and auntie pulled the plug on him because he wasnt doing anything on his own anymore. He was on support from machine. My little cousin, i never got a chance to meet him. And now i'lll never, besides the pictures of him fighting to livee. He cant even have a prpoer funeral because he was never brought into out family. My little baby cousin John, you're in a better place now. Some place warm and happy where you dont have to suffer along with us.

Your cousin here want to wish you the best in life and hope that you'll be reborn into a better life with no sickness and have a family that will actually care more than the one right now! I love you baby John. RIP


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Awwwh. My condolences go to your family, Aunt and Uncle.
Surely, despise being a baby, he'll watch over you guys from Heaven.
VampireKnights #2
poor kid ..RIP ...
he'll surely have a better next life
i hope your family, especially your aunt and uncle gets over this loss safely.
and rip baby john.
that's so sad...that poor baby....he'll have a better next life!
T_T Awwww.
I'm sorry for your loss.
RIP John. <3
coercion #6
oh my god. :(
Poor him...
I want to cry now. I'm sure he knows that all you guys love him....
I can't say anything...
I'm too busy crying...
RIP Baby John...
Oh that is so sad, *huggles*
I had a little boy cousin too who lived for 2 days too.
My aunt had a hard time getting pregnant, for several years. Her first child a son, came and we were all static with happiness. She even had to take a vacation and stay at home, during her pregnancy. And, when, we heard she was pregnant again, after several years, we were all happy. But, when the news came, that he lived only for a day, we were all devastated and sad.
Sometimes, their time was only brief, but, we know that they existed and was with us, for that brief moment.
Condolence :(