about updates and the typhoon

hi you guys!!

thank you everyone for giving me a warm welcome and response on my recent updates

as you all know i have relatives in the philippines

i will be making update, no sure date when they will be posted, it could in 2 days or more.. or less.. that depends

because i will be flying to the philippines 3 days from now

if you've seen the news,saw posts on twitter, instagram, tumblr, etc... the situation back there is really...

uhm... i don't have words for it until now...

it's been bringing me to tears though my relatives and some friends aren't from that area

to the people who posted on my wall, asking me how i've been doing because of haiyan...


though i am not in the philippines right now, i feel thankful too that i didn't lose any of my loved ones.

and now, it's time to help... even through little prayers, i hope you can help to.

put down your gadgets and get your hands and eyes off that laptop and desktop for a few seconds :)

whisper a little prayer and i know you will be blessed back...

thank you again... to everyone who commented, you are keeping my days joyful because of your comments :)

i'll see you in my next update which is MSY...

-kyupeemin / sohpee-



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I'm from the Philippines. And yeah ! The situation is just ..

Anyway, please be safe .. and I love you too . :)
justaweirdisho #2
Hope you'll reach safely to the Phillpines and continue to be safe there along with your family.
nAJOnHyun #3
Hope you and ur family members are safe :') take care going there :)
Hello there, please take care too. Thankfully your family members are safe (: We'll all pray for them too. Love you too!
I hope you'll be safe ><
may1505 #6
i hope you and your family will be ok. Be safe.
minniemgee #7
heyy Sohpee,
is it safe to flying to PH? i mean, i've heard from news and other author that maybe another typhoon may coming to the same area. Well, i just concern your safety, i really wish you and your family will have safe and blessed trip.
Take care Sohpee..^^
candieslove #8
I hope you have a safe flight.
Have a safe trip!!!! It's nice to read that none of your loved ones are injured. See you soon.
Have a safe trip. ♥
tulip1 #11
Glad to hear that your relatives are alright. And those who passed away may they rest in peace. Have a safe trip
Youngblood #12
Have a safe trip my friend - we will pray for all. In our village we prayed last sunday in the church during the mass. I didn´t know a thing about your family ties and I´m sorry, that I didn´t show a reaction! Hope you have a clear mind and you can stand straigt for your relatives, although it is heavy for you - that you can update know is for me really admirable, it is something what I can´t do - my mind would go crazy about all the thoughts!
Sooo stay strong.
KyuMinFever #13
Have a safe trip ^ ^
I hope everything's alright with people you know there!!!
Have a safe flight :D