Tagged by BeastSaran

Hey guys :)

first time being tagged, so here i am^^


Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked u, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


1. How was your day ?

well... compared to other days, today was quite good :)

2. What was your ultimate bias and why did he changed  ?(a.k.a the Life Ruiner n°2.)

my ultimate bias is L.Joe but i also love Kyuhyun.....so many new groups are also chaning my bias list!!!

3. Can you complete it ? "
A friend is someone who ***** all about you and still ***** you."

A friend is someone who knows all about you amd still cares about you just as much

4. Your favorite animal ?

it would have to be my beautiful little doggy 

5. Did you already tried to introduce KPop to a classmate ?
soooo many times.....its ashame some people just dont know good music when they hear it :P

6. First thing you will do when you see your bias in a cafe alone ? (yeah, let's imagine it.)
im probabbly fangirl....just a little bit and then approach them in a non creepy way XD
7. Do you believe in fate ?

yes i do <3
8. AFF for you it's like... 
my second home 
9. What is a good Kpop fan for you ?
some one who is devoted but still gives their bias space, and who is very supportive
10. The craziest thing you did ?
the craziest thing......i dont do much crazy things :(
11. Was the questions that boring ?

they werent boring, they were actually quite interesting :)



new questions

How long do you spend your time on asian fanfics a week?

who is you ultimate bias?

do you ship any members together?

do your friends like kpop aswell?

favourite band?

favourite song?

do you write your own fanfics?

a you a cat or dog person?

favourite food?

do you speak any other languages?

which kpop guy would be your boyfriend, brother and bestfriend?


my 11 new tags 













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