❀ ⋮ butterflies — julia park



thatstheway ⋮ttw ⋮ 4.8



 name  ⋮ park julia / park ju ri - she uses her mother's last name.

 ❀ nicknames ⋮her friends in the states call her julie.

 age + birthdate ⋮21 + 1992 february 18th

 ethnicity ⋮ korean-american (half-korean, half-white)

 languages ⋮english & korean (fluent)



 first ulzzang ⋮soo ah

 links gallery

 back-up ⋮ kim ja young

 links gallery

 description ⋮ she's had pierced ears - and a collection of lots and lots of earrings - since her 13th birthday. 


 character traits ⋮ geeky, sincere, observant, insecure

 breakdown ⋮ 
geeky - some girls dream of finding their princes, and more specifically, finding true love. julia dreams of secretly being a mutant, or signing up for super soldier serum, or finding out she's actually from krypton. julia grew up around comics, and as she grew up, that segued into full-on geekiness. really, julia doesn't know how to act around "normal folk"; she doesn't know how to like something without being obsessed with it and wanting to gush every! single! thing! to every! single! person! that, and her obscure (there's not a huge following for american comic books in south korea) fandom alienate her from the rest of the flower shop's crew a bit; someday, she'd like to show them all that there's more to marvel than just the hit string of movies.

sincere - of course, julia always means well; if she creeps somebody out because of her geekiness she'll certainly apologize, and if there's something she needs to do she'll be earnest about it. if there's one moral most comics share it's that lying gets you literally nowhere in the end, so julia's an honest person, too. honestly, julia knows nothing about working in a flower shop, and sometimes can be more of a hindrance, but damn. this girl, at the very least, tries hard. she puts energy into what she does. julia's also very passionate about drawing, which she loves; she'd like to draw comic books someday. when she has free time, between her major and working, she's drawing, drawing, and probably drawing some more. 

observant - fans have to be observant, it's in the job description. so do artists, and hey - julia's both. she generally knows how human bodies work, in order to draw them more easily, and she also generally can read body language. (she'll never comment on either of those things, though, because walking up to somebody and saying "are you nervous? your hand is shaking and you're tapping your pinky against your leg" or whatever is really weird and embarassing.) it's not uncommon to catch julia staring at somebody, rapidly darting her eyes everywhere; really, she's just trying to know more about them without talking to them, as well as learning how to draw them. julia also looks at other people as a means of communication; she believes that she'll most likely mess up and start talking about spiderman or something, so she'll instead shoot meaningful looks in order to get her point across.

insecure - julia reads comic books, and the one feature most comic book heroines share is that they're cute. they have wonderful bodies and are strong and brave and can kick your , most likely, but julia...can't. julia doesn't believe she can be the heroine of her story; she's too different. comic book girls don't obsess over comic books and stare at people in order to communicate, and hell, comic book girls don't work at flower shops! julia wants to be more of a wonder woman than she is, but at the same time knows there's no way that's ever going to happen. usually it's not much of a problem - julia has far more concerns than that - but sometimes, she'll look at the beautiful girls she works with and will generally be sad.

 history ⋮ julia park's parents, park jisook and james hunter, met in the year 1989 in manhattan, new york. jisook had come to the states for a chance at a new life; james moved to new york to chase the dream he had of being a musician. they got married a year after they met and had a child named julia in 1992. julia grew up just like anybody else would - normally, other than the fact that she got read golden age comics instead of princess bedtime stories. after the events of 2001 as a whole, 10-year-old julia and her family moved from manhattan to seoul, south korea, where julia currently lives. she stayed normal - aside from the comics, and the drawing - for all that time. there's no big earth-shatteringness in her background, so. julia moved back to new york for a year in 2010 - mainly, for easy access to comics - and moved to seoul again in 2011.  boring, average background. 

 lifestyle ⋮ she orders her comics (and comic related merch) online. julia attends seoul university and is majoring in art. she lives alone in an apartment, where she's working on what may just be her magnum opus - a comic book series called river razor, which combines elements of american comic books and manhwa. it's not published yet, but it's already 10 issues long. she works on it in her free time. julia makes sure to visit her parents, who live in a house near where she buys her art supplies, every friday. she has two pet rats - fluffy & winky.


 ❀ family ⋮ 

❀ james hunter ⋮ father ⋮ 59 ⋮ alive ⋮ english teacher ⋮ clever; caring; sharp; unorthodox; immature ⋮ 5. he's the man that introduced julia to comic books, after all. 

 friends ⋮ 

❀ kim jaeseop21⋮ alive ⋮student - majoring in psychology⋮ intelligent; musical; gentle; snarky; clever ⋮ 4
❀ kim namjoo18⋮ alive ⋮student (in high school; she's julia's parents' neighbor)⋮ kind; cutesy; caring; innocent; romantic ⋮ 3


 love interest ⋮ kim joonmyeon 

 relationship ⋮ joonmyeon tolerates everyone, and is actually the only person who can put up with julia's loud geeking. julia idealizes joonmyeon a bit; he has his flaws, but julia just sees him as a superhero. he's nice to julia where most people are mean or ignore-y, and when she talks, he doesn't just hear her. he listens. he's not necessarily interested in comics but he's willing to listen to her. and that - that, is what makes julia love him so wholly. she considers herself joonmyeon's civillian love interest. the problem is that joonmyeon simply sees julia as a co-worker and a nice girl. he doesn't realize how much julia loves him, and julia doesn't realize how much joonmyeon doesn't notice her as a real girl.   


 comments? questions? ⋮ applying so late, i really doubt I'll get in...=D that and because of julia's boring background. and the stupid comic references i'm so sorry byE. if there's anything wrong with this app please please please please please please tell me right away, or i'll stress for forever, and i hope i chose a good ulzzang, anyways. 

 scene requests ⋮ i'd love to see a scene where julia ends up drawing joonmyeon with angel wings, or adding him to river razor. or maybe suho reading rivor razor, and actually liking it. as far as flower-related requests, maybe julia reading some comics on the job and being generally yelled at? (i don't know how to scene request, sorry.) 

 password you make me smile


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